Mystery, Babylon The Great!


Dear All,

I know that everyone has their own version about who was the great whore in Rev. 17:5 KJV. I will tell you what an angel said to me, instead. I have a lot of these secrets inside that I don't share very often, but here goes.

It was explained to me that this 'great whore' was actually a City, which was spiritually like Babylon, the city of old. I was told that this city was Hollywood, CA, the city with the Sunset Strip, and that this city had a lot of prostitutes, like old Babylon. See Rev. 17:18 KJV, "And the woman which thou saw IS that Great City, which reigns over the kings of the earth."

And this city had both women AND men prostitutes, who went to bed with many to have sex and earn money. These women {and men} got lured to the city for a better life and found out they couldn't get a job there without skills. So they sold all that they had left, namely their bodies, for sex, so they would have food and housing money, to eat and live. Also, that this city would be burned with fire {brush fires} and come to it's end.

Okay that is enough for now. I will also include in this Thread who the 'seven kings' are, and also the ten horns, later. I don't want to overwhelm you all at once. You can bet your living that I'm telling the truth. More to come tomorrow.

Well, how do you all feel about this piece of testimony that I give to you, as I have observed from the angel? Do you trust me or agree with me?? Feedback is important! Thanks so much!!

Much Love, In Jesus' Name,

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New member
Hollywood has never reigned over the kings of the earth but Rome has. The fornication committed by mystery Babylon is her unlawful association with the kings of the earth. Rome fulfills this prophecy in every particular.


New member
Well, how do you all feel about this piece of testimony that I give to you, as I have observed from the angel? Do you trust me or agree with me??

It doesn't match scripture.

Jesus said many would come in his name claiming to be Christ, not the person of Christ, but the authority of Christ. In other words, there will be many who claim they are sitting in Christ's seat of authority.

This has been going on for some time.

He holds out his hand so others can kiss his ring.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Perhaps Satan will mimic the true LORD who brings the New Jerusalem down from heaven.
Perhaps Satan has a city tucked away in the second heaven that will rest on it's own base. Zech 5


Dear All,

It might seem best or easier to think of it as the City of Rome, but that's not the Truth. The angel explained to me that it is the 'City' of Hollywood. The angel also explained to me that the 'seven kings' {out of the ten kings with ten horns} represent the seven 'deadly' sins which face man. They each have a symbolic kingdom according to the sin that they represent. You must realize that this is all 'symbolism' {see Rev. 17:10,12KJV}.

You also need to be careful, knowing that God's meaning and interpretation of the matter is correct and holy: Not man's. These seven kings sit on seven mountains because they are the seven kings' "mountains" i.e., they are seven sins that are hard to overcome, like saying e.g., 'It's one of the mountains that I had to climb.'

There are ten kings and ten horns, {seven I've mentioned above}, and I don't know the exact facts or truth of the last two of them, so I will not try to instruct them for you. I don't want to mislead anyone, so I only tell you what I do know. But, since I do know the truth of one out of the last three of those remaining, I will share it with you. It is the one that is the eighth king {i.e., 8th grievous sin} that will be, according to Revelation.

There are 'ten horns,' one for each king {or sin}, which signifies that the ten kings each have a horn which can hurt someone, like a he-goat. The 8th sin is to think to use false accusations {falsely perceiving or believing 'accusing lies' about your neighbor or a stranger, or even of God or Jesus, that some are not even possible to believe}. See Rev. 12:10KJV and Dan. 7:8KJV. Of the 'remaining' two kings, one is now and one in the future. I think that the one that is now is addiction to drugs, tobacco, etc., but I don't know for sure. The last one will be a new sin in the future.

There you go! Not easy, but not as farfetched as 'Rome.'

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Well-known member
Dear All,

I know that everyone has their own version about who was the great whore in Rev. 17:5 KJV. I will tell you what an angel said to me, instead. I have a lot of these secrets inside that I don't share very often, but here goes.

It was explained to me that this 'great whore' was actually a City, which was spiritually like Babylon, the city of old. I was told that this city was Hollywood, CA, the city with the Sunset Strip, and that this city had a lot of prostitutes, like old Babylon. See Rev. 17:18 KJV, "And the woman which thou saw IS that Great City, which reigns over the kings of the earth."

And this city had both women AND men prostitutes, who went to bed with many to have sex and earn money. These women {and men} got lured to the city for a better life and found out they couldn't get a job there without skills. So they sold all that they had left, namely their bodies, for sex, so they would have food and housing money, to eat and live. Also, that this city would be burned with fire {brush fires} and come to it's end.

Okay that is enough for now. I will also include in this Thread who the 'seven kings' are, and also the ten horns, later. I don't want to overwhelm you all at once. You can bet your living that I'm telling the truth. More to come tomorrow.

Well, how do you all feel about this piece of testimony that I give to you, as I have observed from the angel? Do you trust me or agree with me?? Feedback is important! Thanks so much!!

Much Love, In Jesus' Name,


The identity of Mystery Babylon is explained in scripture:

Revelation 17:18
The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.

The great cities location is explained in:

Revelation 11:8
Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city, which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified.

The great city is Jerusalem and the Woman is Jerusalem. However, there is more to her:

Revelation 17:5
The name written on her forehead was a mystery: Babylon the great the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth.

Abominations to God are all false beliefs and the mother of all false beliefs began in Babylon with the Tower of Babel. Despite God separating the peoples evil has continued down the centuries which Paul mentioned:

2 Thessalonians 2:7
For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed.

God's people holds this evil back, today God's people are the Christians but Paul also says that they will fall away from the church just before the Anti-Christ is revealed:

2 Thessalonians 2:3
Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction.

Paul also explains that a strong delusion will cause the falling away:

2 Thessalonians 2:11
For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.

This will be when Satan returns to Earth in the guise of Jesus and says the Christians are all wrong but the Muslims are right and that his name is Isa; He will look just like Jesus. He will then select the Muslim Mahdi in Damascus just as the Quran and Hadiths say but this will really be the Anti-Christ. This is going to happen and you must be ready.


New member
The identity of Mystery Babylon is explained in scripture:

Revelation 17:18
The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.

The great cities location is explained in:

Revelation 11:8
Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city, which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified.

The great city is Jerusalem and the Woman is Jerusalem. However, there is more to her:

Revelation 17:5
The name written on her forehead was a mystery: Babylon the great the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth.

Abominations to God are all false beliefs and the mother of all false beliefs began in Babylon with the Tower of Babel. Despite God separating the peoples evil has continued down the centuries which Paul mentioned:

2 Thessalonians 2:7
For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed.

God's people holds this evil back, today God's people are the Christians but Paul also says that they will fall away from the church just before the Anti-Christ is revealed:

2 Thessalonians 2:3
Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction.

Paul also explains that a strong delusion will cause the falling away:

2 Thessalonians 2:11
For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.

This will be when Satan returns to Earth in the guise of Jesus and says the Christians are all wrong but the Muslims are right and that his name is Isa; He will look just like Jesus. He will then select the Muslim Mahdi in Damascus just as the Quran and Hadiths say but this will really be the Anti-Christ. This is going to happen and you must be ready.

Mmm nope. Babylon is not a city, religion or a nation. It is what God sees as the Countries that come against Israel at the 6th Vial. He then pours out the 7th Vial, which is Jesus (Mt. Zion) come to destroy the Anti-Christ and the Nations that gather at Armageddon against Israel, and God sees BABYLON !!

Revelation 16:19 And the great city was divided (JERUSALEM) into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell(BABYLON): and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

Rev. 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

What did John see ?

Rev. 17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness:....................
5 And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

God is telling us that it is Babylon. And Babylon only represents FALSE GOVERNMENT or any Governments that try to rule without God, and who come against Israel.

So when the Anti-Christ, his 10 Kings (Europe) and the Kings of the East (Arab Nations imho) come after Israel, God sees them as Babylon and gives them the Wrath they deserve.


Hollywood has never reigned over the kings of the earth but Rome has. The fornication committed by mystery Babylon is her unlawful association with the kings of the earth. Rome fulfills this prophecy in every particular.

Dear ThreeAngels,

Have you been visited by angels??!! Hardly, I know! The angel explained to me that Hollywood DOES reign over the kings of the Earth by their TV shows, their movies, their commercials, their DVDs, and their magazines, etc. What the heck do you really know about the subject?? You are not properly schooled by your angels, ThreeAngels, and you are sorely wrong about me and what testimony I share with you. Do you have the nerve to question the angel who visited me?! Hollywood has a more complexly mesmerizing effect on the rest of the kings and cities of the World than anything Rome could ever try for. With their soap operas alone, they teach to manipulate people, cheat, steal, fornicate, lie, etc. I'm sorry that you feel the way you do. Time will tell, now won't it? Thanks for responding, though. I know it is just your initial reaction. I am sorry to get so upset, but it hurts to hear you talk that way.

Praise God Throughout Eternity!!!



It doesn't match scripture.

Jesus said many would come in his name claiming to be Christ, not the person of Christ, but the authority of Christ. In other words, there will be many who claim they are sitting in Christ's seat of authority.

This has been going on for some time.

He holds out his hand so others can kiss his ring.

Dear Jamie,

I sense a soft side of you and a bit naive persona. What do you really know about the things of God? The Lord visited me and spoke to me! Has He visited you and sent an angel to you, so that mankind will be ready for Jesus' return?? Just keep reading this thread and see if it helps you any. I am not saying that I am Jesus Christ, nor sitting in His Seat of authority. I will kiss His feet, not just His ring! I'm a simple, smart person, who loves all people that I try to help. I got the wisdom from the Lord, and it has helped immensely. God bless you, dear soul.

In The Trenches For God,



Perhaps Satan will mimic the true LORD who brings the New Jerusalem down from heaven.
Perhaps Satan has a city tucked away in the second heaven that will rest on it's own base. Zech 5

Dear SaulToPaul,

I'm impressed with your knowledge of the Bible. No, Satan shall never be tucking any city in the Second Heaven. It is written that he shall be tucked into the Lake of Fire. The land which the angels set the stigma of whore mongers and prostitutes shall be in the land of Shinar indeed, but that shall be on the Earth that we are on. And it won't be in Hollywood, which shall be destroyed. It will be in a new place on Earth. This Earth is still going to be inhabited after Jesus' Second Coming. He did say that the meek shall inherit the Earth. See Rev. 20:1,5,8,10KJV. This Earth is not going anywhere yet. First, another chance will be given to Satan to try to confuse those in the land of Gog and Magog, which shall be the new countries on Earth in the future.

By the way, STP, Hell is in the center of the Earth, with it's hot magma and lava. Pretty Hot! The Earth is called 'the bottomless pit' because it has a top and center, but no real bottom. Everyone thinks they are on top of the Earth because of gravity. Therefore is Satan cast into the bottomless pit. Now the Lake of Fire is our Sun, which is where Satan will end up in the end {see Rev. 20:3,10KJV}. It is Extremely Hot there, compared to Hell. God's lightning is five times hotter than the Sun, though, so perhaps you can understand the high degrees of temperature for each place.

I must go for now. I hope that you can understand all that I've said here. You seem to be quite wise and I would venture that you can soon understand my post. May God Be With You Here On Earth and For Eternity!!

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I'm overwhelmed! :noid:

I am sorry about that, steko. But you haven't heard what comes next. It's time to spill the beans; at least about this subject. I do have to get going now, though, and will answer everyone else tomorrow. It is very late for me. You take care, steko. If you get too overwhelmed, don't read these things any longer. Take your time.

May God And Jesus Be With You As You Read,



Well-known member
I am sorry about that, steko. But you haven't heard what comes next. It's time to spill the beans; at least about this subject. I do have to get going now, though, and will answer everyone else tomorrow. It is very late for me. You take care, steko. If you get too overwhelmed, don't read these things any longer. Take your time.

May God And Jesus Be With You As You Read,


Thank you.

I'll try real hard.


Thank you.

I'll try real hard.

Dear Steko,

You know me enough by now to know that I wasn't giving you a snide remark. I was just trying to help because I know how hard it can be! You're my Bud, and I wouldn't try to be a bummer about it!!

Much Love, In Jesus Christ,


patrick jane

Dear Steko,

You know me enough by now to know that I wasn't giving you a snide remark. I was just trying to help because I know how hard it can be! You're my Bud, and I wouldn't try to be a bummer about it!!

Much Love, In Jesus Christ,

It's really hard for steko.


Well-known member
Dear Steko,

You know me enough by now to know that I wasn't giving you a snide remark. I was just trying to help because I know how hard it can be! You're my Bud, and I wouldn't try to be a bummer about it!!

Much Love, In Jesus Christ,


No problem, Michael.


The identity of Mystery Babylon is explained in scripture:

Revelation 17:18
The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.

The great cities location is explained in:

Revelation 11:8
Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city, which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified.

The great city is Jerusalem and the Woman is Jerusalem. However, there is more to her:

Revelation 17:5
The name written on her forehead was a mystery: Babylon the great the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth.

Abominations to God are all false beliefs and the mother of all false beliefs began in Babylon with the Tower of Babel. Despite God separating the peoples evil has continued down the centuries which Paul mentioned:

2 Thessalonians 2:7
For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed.

God's people holds this evil back, today God's people are the Christians but Paul also says that they will fall away from the church just before the Anti-Christ is revealed:

2 Thessalonians 2:3
Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction.

Paul also explains that a strong delusion will cause the falling away:

2 Thessalonians 2:11
For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.

This will be when Satan returns to Earth in the guise of Jesus and says the Christians are all wrong but the Muslims are right and that his name is Isa; He will look just like Jesus. He will then select the Muslim Mahdi in Damascus just as the Quran and Hadiths say but this will really be the Anti-Christ. This is going to happen and you must be ready.

Dear Watchman,

My God! Have you lost your torch?? Where did you come up with all of this stuff? You are grossly incorrect. First of all, it has to be a port city. One that lies on the shoreline, of which Jerusalem is not. See Rev. 17:18KJV, "And every ship-master, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many that trade by sea stood afar off, etc." Jerusalem is not a port city, so who are you trying to kid? Los Angeles and Hollywood are port cities. Hollywood is a suburb of Los Angeles. Haven't you ever been there? Also, see verses 18 and 19. OK, I am done here. You twist quite a lie and weave a web of deception. You'd rather not listen to the Lord, and rely on your own made-up story, or explanation. It's okay. I know that people can make mistakes, so don't think that I am not trying to be mean to you.

May You Bend An Ear Towards The Lord's True Voice,

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Mmm nope. Babylon is not a city, religion or a nation. It is what God sees as the Countries that come against Israel at the 6th Vial. He then pours out the 7th Vial, which is Jesus (Mt. Zion) come to destroy the Anti-Christ and the Nations that gather at Armageddon against Israel, and God sees BABYLON !!

Revelation 16:19 And the great city was divided (JERUSALEM) into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell(BABYLON): and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

Rev. 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

What did John see ?

Rev. 17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness:....................
5 And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

God is telling us that it is Babylon. And Babylon only represents FALSE GOVERNMENT or any Governments that try to rule without God, and who come against Israel.

So when the Anti-Christ, his 10 Kings (Europe) and the Kings of the East (Arab Nations imho) come after Israel, God sees them as Babylon and gives them the Wrath they deserve.

Dear Rondonmonson,

What do you make of the Scripture in Rev 17:18KJV? It says, "And the Woman which thou saw IS that Great CITY, which reigns over the kings of the Earth." So Ron, we are TOLD that this harlot is a CITY, and you are saying it is not, even though it is written and clearly says so. Hollywood is also the mother of commercials, including the ones that say "Delicious Hamburgers from Burger King, McDonald's, and Jack in the Box" Makes you hungry eh? That is just the beginning of commercials screwing up people's diets and makes some them even grossly fat. And what about sodas like Coke and Root Beers, and Pepsi, and 7-Up? Makes you thirsty, eh? I could go on and on, but I won't. Th list is so very long. And we see magazine articles that tell us that these foods are very bad for you. And they tell us about beef, chicken, pork, french fries, etc., being bad for you. So the media says buy it all in one magazine and that it is bad for you in another saying 'buy me, eat scrumptious me.'

They build cars and everything else so it will break soon enough, so that you will have to buy another one later. They screw you all that way. They can't make them last forever, even though they have the technology to do so. You just don't see all of this. There are all kinds of corruption, even who you vote for your President, and kings; and even Queen's, like Great Britain. Oh well, I could go on and on. Whatever!!

I'm tired of trying to convince you all of what the angel told me. The errant city is Hollywood, and that's that. If you don't believe me, that's fine. Continue in your delusion. I don't speak out of my own imagination. I speak what I am told. I'll go for now and let you ponder things. Don't start making up other things because it can be dangerous. Believing what you think and what the Lord really means had better not be the wrong meaning, or you may be charged with blasphemy or worse. OK, I've got to get going. Let Jesus return very soon, for everyone and everything on this Earth. May God Correct You.




New member
Dear Rondonmonson,

What do you make of the Scripture in Rev 17:18KJV? It says, "And the Woman which thou saw IS that Great CITY, which reigns over the kings of the Earth." So Ron, we are TOLD that this harlot is a CITY, and you are saying it is not, even though it is written and clearly says so. Hollywood is also the mother of commercials, including the ones that say "Delicious Hamburgers from Burger King, McDonald's, and Jack in the Box" Makes you hungry eh? That is just the beginning of commercials screwing up people's diets and makes some them even grossly fat. And what about sodas like Coke and Root Beers, and Pepsi, and 7-Up? Makes you thirsty, eh? I could go on and on, but I won't. Th list is so very long. And we see magazine articles that tell us that these foods are very bad for you. And they tell us about beef, chicken, pork, french fries, etc., being bad for you. So the media says buy it all in one magazine and that it is bad for you in another saying 'buy me, eat scrumptious me.'

They build cars and everything else so it will break soon enough, so that you will have to buy another one later. They screw you all that way. They can't make them last forever, even though they have the technology to do so. You just don't see all of this. There are all kinds of corruption, even who you vote for your President, and kings; and even Queen's, like Great Britain. Oh well, I could go on and on. Whatever!!

I'm tired of trying to convince you all of what the angel told me. The errant city is Hollywood, and that's that. If you don't believe me, that's fine. Continue in your delusion. I don't speak out of my own imagination. I speak what I am told. I'll go for now and let you ponder things. Don't start making up other things because it can be dangerous. Believing what you think and what the Lord really means had better not be the wrong meaning, or you may be charged with blasphemy or worse. OK, I've got to get going. Let Jesus return very soon, for everyone and everything on this Earth. May God Correct You.



I have a blog on this, it will be much easier just to share that here.

Babylon, the Harlot and the Seven Headed Beast Explained.

I will explain what the Lord has shown me recently, I blogged a blog 8 months ago and in the blog I stated that Rev. 17:18 was speaking of Rome,(from my perspective) within 2 months God had Revealed to me who Babylon was, who the Beast is and who the Harlot is. My opinion is my opinion, I never allow it to supersede God's revelation, in other words I do not hold on to the pride of my opinion. If you want to know who the Harlot, Beast and Babylon is read on.

To start with it is not a City, it is not Rome, Babylon proper, Jerusalem, NYC, it is not the RCC, Mecca or America. HINT: The Harlot and Babylon are two different entities. There is also NO MYSTERY BABYLON, I do not understand why we continue to say this, the Angel in 17:7 says this: Rev. 17: 7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

Since the Angel says I will explain the Mystery of the woman (Harlot) and the beast she rides (Seven Headed Beast) why do we insist that it is still a Mystery and why do we not understand that in Rev. 17:8-18 the Angel explains the Mystery to us? Why do we miss what is in plain site? Mystery (Musterion) in the Greek means Secret by Gods Silence, once God reveals the Secret/Mystery, it is no longer a Mystery/Secret.

The Seven Headed Beast is explained by the Angel first, many people say it sits on 7 hills, when the passage has nothing to do with hills or location, it is speaking of Seven Rulers who arise, we understand this because in the very next verse it speaks about the Seven Kings. So she sits on Seven Mountains which = Seven Rulers just like the Seven Heads = Seven Kingdoms. Then the Angel says Five have fallen, ONE IS, and one is YET TO COME. This is where we have to use our intelligence a wee bit. Who are these Kings? Well we see in Rev. 13 when this Seven Headed Beast is described that the Beasts of Daniel are included, the Lion (Babylon) Bear (Persia) and Leopard (Greece) along with Rome of course as the fierce Beast. So we are searching for the other three heads, who can they possibly be? What is the commonality of the Beasts/Heads that are mentioned? They each Conquered, Enslaved or Ruled Israel, that is what made them a "BEAST", so we need to go through history and find the other three common Beasts/Heads. Well lets see, after a little thought we should get this fairly easily, Egypt and Assyria Conquered/Enslaved Israel, and the Anti-Christ and his 10 Kings will, according to prophecy, Conquer Israel (Abomination of Desolation). So lets add this up, and see what the Angel has revealed to us.

Five Kings have fallen (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, and Greece) ONE IS (Rome of course was Ruling Israel when John wrote Revelation) and one is YET TO COME (The Anti-Christ and his 10 Kings). We understand the Beast with Seven Heads now. This is why the USSR, China, the United States and even the British Empire or Ottoman Empire can not be a Beast or one of the Seven Heads, they never Conquered Israel, while Israel {PEOPLE} were in the land. The Brits ruled Palestine as did the Ottoman Empire, but God dispersed Israel all over the World, this was why Ezekiel prophesied that Israel would be as "Dead Men's Bones" but we know those dead men's bones came Alive again in 1948, so after Rome, and up until 1948, there could be no Beast, because there was no Israel in the land. The Seven Headed Beast is revealed.

Now what does the Angel say about the Harlot/Woman? Well firstly it says the Water she sat on is Peoples, Nations, Tongues and Multitudes. So right off the bat we understand she is Worldwide. A key is in Rev. 17:16 the Kings in league with the Beast destroy her, but why after all these years of being co-mingled together do they burn her and destroy her? Because she is ALL FALSE RELIGION, and the Anti-Christ right after the Abomination of Desolation will demand to be Worshiped as the ONLY GOD !! The Anti-Christ will come after Israel, who flees to the Wilderness where God protects them for 1260 days (Rev. 12), he then comes after Christians who became Christians after the Rapture, to Behead them, and he will destroy Islam, Buddhism and all Religions. He demands worship as the ONLY GOD !! Remember, the Harlot is Judged, this is a Chapter that Judges her. False Religion has the blood of the Saints AND the Martyrs on its hands.

Ever wonder why the Harlot is HATED by the Kings but when Babylon is destroyed the Kings Cry and Lament her demise? Because they are TWO DIFFERENT ENTITIES !! Babylon is False Government and the Harlot is False Religion. People then say "but what about Rev. 17:18" that verse calls her a city ? Well the Angel was only reminding John what he SAW, and the vision was what ? A woman with four things imprinted on her head, MYSTERY, Babylon the Great, Abominations of the Earth and Mother of Harlots. The Angel just reminded John that she was BABYLON the Mother of FALSE RELIGIONS. Not a City, but a MEMORY which is repulsive to God the Father. Proof of this is in Rev. 16.

There really is no Rev. 17 and 18, Rev. 16 comes right before Rev. 19. Rev. 17 is only the Harlot {False Religion} being destroyed and that happens in Rev. 6 and 7, and Rev. 18 is only Babylon or the Last Beast Head of the Seven Headed Beast coming against Israel, getting the plagues of God rained down on them via the Trumpets and the Vials of God. Rev. 17 and 18 are just an enhanced retelling of things already told, thus in Rev. 16 we are told, IT IS DONE !!

In Rev. 16 the 6th Vial gathers the Nations against Israel (Anti-Christ/10 Kings which is Europe and the Kings of the East) and we know who meets them at Meggido don't we? Jesus our Lord. After he lands on the Mt. of Olives (Zechariah 14) and splits it into (Earthquake). Rev. 16 tells it like this:

Rev. 16:16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. 17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. (IT IS DONE !! No Rev. 17 or Rev. 18 exists per se.)

18 And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. 19 And the great city was divided into three parts (Earthquake splits Jerusalem), and the cities of the nations fell: (BABYLON) and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

So we see here that BABYLON is only a MEMORY, God sees the Nations that come against Israel as BABYLON, and gives them the fierceness of his wrath. Of course Jesus lands on the Mt. of Olives and destroys those Nations that come against Israel, that is their demise. God Judges False Religion or the Harlot in Rev 17:16, she is no more after this. This happens when the Anti-Christ places an Image of himself in the Temple and demands all to Worship him, at the MID-WAY POINT or in Rev. 6 and 7.

Babylon is destroyed by Gods plagues, Babylon is the Nations that come against Israel (the World) and God destroys her with His Plagues, which are the Seals/Trumpets and Vials. Babylons commerce is no doubt destroyed, that is what plagues do. Babylon is the habitation of Devils, Satan has been cast to earth and Apollyon and his horde of demons have been released from the pit in Rev. 9. The BOTTOM LINE IS :


Babylon is FALSE GOVERNMENT that tries to destroy Gods people, come after His authority, and deny His Godhead. It is not a City, it represents all that God sees as EVIL.