Mysterious Catfish Falls From The Sky, Hits Woman In The Face


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Mysterious Catfish Falls From The Sky, Hits Woman In The Face

t’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s... a fish?

A Philadelphia woman says she was knocked to the ground when a 5-pound catfish fell from the sky and struck her in the face.

Lisa Lobree was on her way to a Labor Day exercise class near the Philadelphia Museum of Art when she was suddenly “slammed by something,” Lobree told the Philadelphia Enquirer.

“I was like, ‘What!?’ I was freaking out,” she recalled.

Several news outlets suggested that the 16-inch catfish fell from the grasp of a bird flying in the sky above.

Lobree suffered a small cut under her left eye and some swelling from the flying fish.

She was also hit with a distinct odor.

“I smelled so bad afterwards,” she told CBS Philadelphia. “I smelled disgusting.”

Of course, nobody wants to be smacked in the face by a fish falling form the sky, but Lobree is at least making the best of it.

“It could have been so much worse,” she told the Inquirer. “What if it hit a child? It was a not a fun experience, but there are so many worse things that could’ve happened. It’s probably one of the strangest things that have happened to me in my life.”


So, where do you think it came from?

Submit your best theory. :)


ok doser spelled backwards is resodko
Re Sod Ko
Ressurected Some Other Dude Koban

True Story

Thank you so much for the info, , , hmmm. Did any one tell you Christians are not supposed to call someone "fool"? I feel sure you are aware of this. I may have tried to say something in the past. Don't know for sure tho. But thank you so much anyway!
I like the last: "True story." Laughing. I need to see that line everywhere, it's great. Your explanation was a perfect and undeniable presentation already. People should come to you whenever they need something explained.