My Yak shepherd friend in lower Siberia AMR believes hates God . . .

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Cross Reference

New member
. . . but yet gives more glory to God from his heart having never heard of him, by the caring of his animals than many Christians do who go to church for an hour on Sunday. Go figure, eh?

Cross Reference

New member
Originally Posted by Cross Reference

Btw, AMR, Why would you not suppose God would not have more regard for my Yak shepherd friend who never heard of Jesus Christ or his neighbor who tenderly cares for his one cow, who show more love for their animals than most Christians who claims the name of Christ do, even for one another? Something wrong with that picture, doncha think? Do you think you just might be missing something in the salvation message?

As I implied previously, the implications of your lachrymose view is contrary to Scripture.

Such a view would imply, contrary to Romans 1, unregenerate man genuinely possesses motives that are not seen as hateful of God, that your neighbor who failed to be as wise as you were, simply was not "good enough" to choose as you so chose, should be pardoned by the One who is holy and Who struck down a man (Uzza) who, merely in a misguided attempt to prevent the ark from touching the very dirt God created, thinking he was doing something "good". Yours are the humanistic notions of Who God is that leads to grievous error.

In simple summary, those that are not believers hate God with their every thought, word, and deed and deserve nothing but His righteous judgment. Even these persons acts of civil goodness, helping the old lady across the road, giving to charity, etc., are performed for the wrong motives.

Likewise, if you deny original sin of all in Adam, then yours is the sort of slippery slope one finds oneself upon. Said denial is contrary to Christendom's orthodoxy in its communal understanding of the sin of Adam and its consequences-- we sin because we are sinners, and not that we are sinners because we sin. Feel free to count yourself outside the camp, but be wary of the enticement of being in the minority, for it appeals to one's vanity and tickles one's itching ears.

The "salvation message" is clear. All who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. The details of exactly what "all" means here is the matter at hand that you are ignoring.


Ask Mr. Religion

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Yet Another Call-Out Thread

Yet Another Call-Out Thread

One would think a fellow labeling himself "Cross Reference" would have the ability to at least provide the actual reference in yet another AMR call-out thread:


Apparently it is better to not even go to all nations, for if we do, then those that reject the Good News delivered to them will certainly perish. Yep, just leave them be and God will take care of them because they were, well, er, "good" folks. :AMR1:


Cross Reference

New member
One would think a fellow labeling himself "Cross Reference" would have the ability to at least provide the actual reference in yet another AMR call-out thread:


Apparently it is better to not even go to all nations, for if we do, then those that reject the Good News delivered to them will certainly perish. Yep, just leave them be and God will take care of them because they were, well, er, "good" folks. :AMR1:


And how would you know they weren't good folks, righteous in the eyes of God from Whom they receive His favor?

BTW: What was the reason for going to the nations?
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