My Top 5 Republican Candidates List, now revised


New member
well, this is what my Top 5 List looks like @ this time. It could change in the future, as it has before, but this is what it looks like today

1 Huckabee
2 Cruz
3 Carson
4 Walker
5 Rubio (I think...)




What about you folks?



New member
list change

I haven't made up my mind absolutely, so here is my list as of today (in alphabetical order)

  1. Carson Cruz Huckabee Jindal Santorum Walker
  2. Fiorina Graham Kasich Perry Rubio



New member
  1. Cruz
  2. Carson Huckabee Jindal Rubio Santorum Walker
  3. Fiorina Graham Kasich Perry

I need to know more about Jindal.. wonder if he wrote a book... He might end up on same line as Cruz... Huckabee might, but don't know enough about his foreign policy views (except that he is strongly pro-Israel, etc)




New member
so, this is my list...

Because of the abortion issue, some of the 17 should never have been on ANY list of mine

But I naively thought some of them were pro life (They are only "pro life" in comparison to liberals)

So... as of right now, according to my best information, the following 5 (no particular order) are WORTHY

  • Cruz (100% rating from National Right to Life)
  • Walker (rating?)
  • Huckabee (pretty sure 100% rating)
  • Jindal
  • Rubio (ditto)

If you vote for someone not on this list, you are NOT a Christian



New member

None of the apostles paid any attention to the Roman government. They did not attempt to change it. They used what was available to their advantage at times.

Wasn't there a Simon "the Zealot" who might have been politically minded before he joined up?