My thoughts on the debate


New member
Bush criticizing Trump was hilarious :)  Maybe he should have added: "You can’t scowl your way to the presidency.”

LOL The guy has a perpetual scowl

Fiorina got ticked off because some pundit made a comment using the sexist v word in reference to her. Well, what does she expect after she says stuff like If you want to talk about something, get a man, if you want something done, get a woman to do it Then, worse, she gets all snarky toward Cruz, who had nothing to do with it except the guy supports him, which only makes her look like, well, sour grapes

Chris Christie seems to think most Americans are a bunch of dummies/couch potato air-heads. He repeatedly says: “They [the people] don’t care about that”…Cruz and Rubio were talking about very interesting debates going on in Congress right now, but CC interrupted and once again said: “They don’t care about that…!”

HUH? I'm sorry but that strikes me as rather presumptuous and WORSE: condescending . Sure, the low-info voters "don’t care," so he’s right about them, but they probably don’t care about much of anything—except maybe “first female president!!” or maybe “first low-info president”

I believe most people, while they may not understand everything that goes on in Congress (who does?), are interested in such things just the same. I know I am. Now, maybe CC didn’t mean to offend and just cares about the "informationally challenged" folks in the audience, but I can’t help the thought that he was being somewhat arrogant/condenscending

That said, I did appreciate his answer to the person with the question about how, if we are a Christian nation, shouldn't we take in the Syrian refugees? Christie didn’t back down, didn’t show the least sign of “guilt” or hesitancy or whatever, concerning his position. And why should he? It is a matter of putting the nation’s security over all else, as a president is supposed to do, not a matter of (misdirected) “compassion.” If people want to help the refugees, they can go to a church that helps them and donate—The government needs to get out of the charity business just like it needs to get out of [fill in the blank] other kinds of business. I frankly wish the government would focus on defense ONLY and leave everything, or almost everything else, in the hands of the private sector


Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Bush criticizing Trump was hilarious :)  Maybe he should have added: "You can’t scowl your way to the presidency.”

LOL The guy has a perpetual scowl

Fiorina got ticked off because some pundit made a comment using the sexist v word in reference to her. Well, what does she expect after she says stuff like If you want to talk about something, get a man, if you want something done, get a woman to do it Then, worse, she gets all snarky toward Cruz, who had nothing to do with it except the guy supports him, which only makes her look like, well, sour grapes

Chris Christie seems to think most Americans are a bunch of dummies/couch potato air-heads. He repeatedly says: “They [the people] don’t care about that”…Cruz and Rubio were talking about very interesting debates going on in Congress right now, but CC interrupted and once again said: “They don’t care about that…!”

HUH? I'm sorry but that strikes me as rather presumptuous and WORSE: condescending . Sure, the low-info voters "don’t care," so he’s right about them, but they probably don’t care about much of anything—except maybe “first female president!!” or maybe “first low-info president”

I believe most people, while they may not understand everything that goes on in Congress (who does?), are interested in such things just the same. I know I am. Now, maybe CC didn’t mean to offend and just cares about the "informationally challenged" folks in the audience, but I can’t help the thought that he was being somewhat arrogant/condenscending

That said, I did appreciate his answer to the person with the question about how, if we are a Christian nation, shouldn't we take in the Syrian refugees? Christie didn’t back down, didn’t show the least sign of “guilt” or hesitancy or whatever, concerning his position. And why should he? It is a matter of putting the nation’s security over all else, as a president is supposed to do, not a matter of (misdirected) “compassion.” If people want to help the refugees, they can go to a church that helps them and donate—The government needs to get out of the charity business just like it needs to get out of [fill in the blank] other kinds of business. I frankly wish the government would focus on defense ONLY and leave everything, or almost everything else, in the hands of the private sector


Who cares.


Well-known member
Lighthouse99, here is what you need to know about that debate.....

liberty lost.

Senator Papaltine won that debate. :sigh:


Well-known member
Ben Carson who usually does badly had one good answer. Before he opens up a kids head the kids hate him, but after surgery they love him. Unfortunately Republicans are bored with him. He is not yelling.


Well-known member
Looking like a Trump/Cruz ticket is brewing. They are quite chummy with each other. And Trump has had back room discussion with the party leaders. Looks like a love fest.


Well-known member
Ben Carson who usually does badly had one good answer. Before he opens up a kids head the kids hate him, but after surgery they love him. Unfortunately Republicans are bored with him. He is not yelling.

That was not a good answer with the question being asked. It was actually horrible.

And Hewitt should be ashamed for asking it.


Well-known member
Interesting tweet I saw about that:

Dec 15

For a second, I thought @hughhewitt was going to drag a Muslim onto the stage and demand that Ben Carson kill him on live television.
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patrick jane

Quotes off the innernet

Donald Trump

“Our country is out of control. People are pouring across the southern border.”
Illegal immigration from Mexico has “come to a standstill.”

Chris Christie

"When I stand across from King Hussein of Jordan and I say to him, 'You have a friend again sir, who will stand with you to fight this fight,' he'll change his mind."
King Hussein of Jordan has been dead since 1999.

Ted Cruz

“When you are letting people in, when the FBI can't vet them, it puts American citizens at risk.”
The FBI is more than capable of vetting refugees.

“The United States can vet the refugees through a process that involves the FBI as well as the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense and other agencies. The vetting process can take up to two years, in which refugees undergo several rounds of security clearance checks.”

Marco Rubio

“...Around the world, America's influence has declined while this president has destroyed our military...”
Barack Obama has increased drone strikes in Pakistan, and expanded them to Somalia and Yemen.

The United States is building aircrafts, long-range bombers, additional aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, and modernizing our nuclear weapons.

Obama has continued a program to build the most expensive aircraft ever: the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

Our military is a far cry from “destroyed.”

Donald Trump

“But I've been talking about oil for three years. I've been saying, ‘Take the oil, take the oil.’

I didn't say, ‘Just bomb it.’ I said, ‘Take it and use it’…

People, I've been saying this now for many years.

Now, all of a sudden everybody's saying, ‘take the oil.’ It wasn't so fashionable to take the oil six months ago. I've been saying it for years.”
Yes, Trump is actually proclaiming as a positive his long-term goal of ravaging foreign countries to rob them of their natural resources.

He is the only candidate on this stage who’s been calling for murder and thievery for years.

Vote Trump!

Ben Carson

(Hugh Hewitt: “Could you order air strikes that would kill innocent children by not the scores, but the hundreds and the thousands?”)

“...You should see the eyes of some of those children when I say to them we're going to have to open your head up and take out this tumor...They don't like me very much at that point. But later on, they love me...

“...Later on… they really realize what's going on. And by the same token, you have to be able to look at the big picture and understand that it's actually merciful if you go ahead and finish the job, rather than death by 1,000 pricks.”
(“So you are OK with the deaths of thousands of innocent children and civilian?”)

“You got it. You got it.”
(“That is what war -- can you be as ruthless as Churchill was in prosecuting the war against the Nazis?”)

“Ruthless is not necessarily the word I would use, but tough, resolute, understanding what the problems are...”
“Ruthless” is not “the word [Carson] would use” to describe the murder of “thousands of innocent children and civilians.” Akin to kids being treated by a doctor, Carson thinks the people whose babies and family members he plans to execute in cold blood will actually “love” him once “they really realize what’s going on.”

Ted Cruz

“Well, you know, I'm reminded of what FDR's grandfather said.

He said, ‘All horse-thieves are Democrats, but not all Democrats are horse-thieves.’

Donald Trump

“When you had the World Trade Center go, people were put into planes – that were friends, family, girlfriends – and they were sent back for the most part to Saudi Arabia. They knew what was going on. They went home and they wanted to watch their boyfriends on television.”
The first time Trump made this claim, he used “wives” instead of “girlfriends,” but, since the media has pointed out almost all of the 19 terrorists were unmarried, he has now adapted to “girlfriends.”

Either way he is wrong— the hijackers had largely cut off contact with their families, and none had “friends, family, girlfriends” in the United States who were “put into planes” back to “Saudi Arabia.”

Carly Fiorina

“And I will not speak to [Putin] personally until we've rebuilt the 6th Fleet a little bit right under his nose; rebuilt the missile defense program in Poland right under his nose; and conducted a few military exercises in the Baltic states.”
The 6th Fleet is already growing, the Obama administration is already in the process of placing 24 anti-ballistic missile interceptors in Poland, and the last military exercise in the Baltic Sea was a widely publicized event held in June, with 17 countries and 5,600 ground, naval, and air force personnel involved.

Jeb Bush

“Because I — first of all, I know what I don't know. I know what I don't know.

I would seek out, as I have, the best advice that exists.”
Tell me, Jeb, who exactly is going to be giving you this superb advice?


Well-known member
Nice quote wrap up. I appreciated your comments about our military strength. I knew they were just trying to appeal to the hawk base by saying our military has been devastated by cuts. We spend more on our military than any other country by a long shot. That might well be our problem and need to police the world. And other countries treat us as the big daddy who will take care of their problems. We can't seem to help ourselves. Each Republican candidate continues to pander to this except Paul.

The large Arab armies such as Saudia Arabia should crush ISIS. All we seem to be able to do is play whack-a-mole with Islamic terrorist groups. If by some stoke of luck we are able to push ISIS into the background another group will rise. Hezbollah, Talaban, Al Queda, ISIS, And dozens and dozens of others. It is not a task we can do alone and our meddling seems to only encourage more groups.

quote from Cruz - we are gonna carpet bomb ISIS. "What about innocents?" Target carpet bombing. :idunno:


Well-known member
That was not a good answer with the question being asked. It was actually horrible.

And Hewitt should be ashamed for asking it.

Best answer I ever heard for that question.

With each candidate trying to out carpet bomb the other Carson might have been the only one with a heart. If we don't care about innocents in our military actions then we are no better than terrorist.


New member
Ben Carson who usually does badly had one good answer. Before he opens up a kids head the kids hate him, but after surgery they love him. Unfortunately Republicans are bored with him. He is not yelling.

he is being drowned out by Trump on every channel

even CNN is selling him just because of all the air time

amazing how shallow a lot of Americans can be. They don't respect true accomplishment (Cruz, Huckabee, Paul). Now Paul is not so great on foreign affairs but at least he has accomplished a few things and knows our government (and hates it, which is what we want)



New member
I don't feel like watching the D debate tomorrow

I already know what they believe and they are all essentially in lock step w/ each other so i will be bored

and disgusted

maybe I could watch it if I had a stiff drink



New member
Watching a dumocratic debate is like watching two college professors argue over which color pen to grade papers with.


I don't watch the debates but I tune them in on the radio. More fun that way because I am not distracted by the choreographed visuals of what the TV station wants me to see. :)