My Testimony Part 1


Active member
I grew up in Church. I made a sincere decision at the age of 4 to accept Christ as my Lord. But I left after High School because the people had wrong attitudes. I grew up feeling God's presence and favor with me. When I left Church (Not God or the Faith) God felt very distant from me, although always there. My 20s were a miserable hell without God actively in my life. I was a believer who was out of the will of God and He was chastening me. I met my wife and had kids in my late 20s. 9-9-2001 was my 30th Birthday. 2 days before 9-11-2001 WTC attacks. I began to seek God again. I visited an IFB Church (Dispensational) and didn't want to go back because they were the same type of Church I grew up in. I was laying in bed around midnight thinking about whether to go back there or not and made up my mind 100%, I was NOT going to go back there. At that very moment, I felt the Holy Spirit slowly come through my wall, in the form of a cloud and hover over my chest. He looked into my eye and spoke. (It was Jesus!) He said "I want you to go back to that Church " then He waited. As I felt God's very presence, I began to cry and told Him I was sorry for my sins and that I would serve Him from now on. I went back to that Church to a rude and domineering Pastor who treated me horrible, BUT God used him to Disciple me in the Foundational Doctrines of the Faith. I stayed nearly 5 years and learned a lot. There are a lot of other things that happened during that time, like I began to share the Gospel online, like I do here. I think God wants me to share the Gospel and bring as many people to His Salvation in Jesus Christ as possible.

BTW Did you hear that the Co Founder of Wikipedia just became a Christian? He is very analytics person. I heard his intervuew for over an hour yesterday.

I can tell more later...

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
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I doubt that about Wikipedia. Meaning the analytics part. They are extremely political and post a large portion of falsified information. But that should be a different thread.


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I felt the Holy Spirit slowly come through my wall, in the form of a cloud and hover over my chest. He looked into my eye and spoke.
I'm not sure that was the Holy Spirit. I think you might have warped to Level 6-1.
