My Fake Christian list

Fake Christian list

  • The “Reverend” Jesse Jackson He seems dishonest (on race issues), but worse, he is supposed to be a “reverend” yet accepts abortion
  • ditto Jimmy Carter (minus the "reverend" part)
  • Anyone who lies/distorts truth habitually to further his own agenda (or just for the heck of it. There are people who lie just for the heck of it)
  • Anyone who habitually and intentionally disrespects others
  • Anyone who habitually and deliberately puts fame/$$ over what is right and good
  • Anyone who makes fun of those less fortunate
  • Anyone who attacks a person’s character whenever he or she doesn’t do or say what he wants
  • Anyone who is always talking about building walls, but never bridges
  • And most un-Christian of all: Those who don’t actually DO much of the above (wouldn’t look good) but who vote for those who do


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Please put me on your list????!!! A member of the Roman Catholic Organization, such as yourself, asserting that I was a fake Christian, would mean the opposite, and a great compliment!



Doesn't Sharpton still call himself Reverend??!!

wow, put him on the list asap. He owes (I have heard) over a million in taxes.

There seems to be many calling themselves Reverend or Dr.

But why does that bother you?

Pope put himself much higher than those Reverend or Dr.