My contention with Nicky boy

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Why DO I call him a dope?

How often have you read him to say stuff like

As we said before so say I now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you than the one which we have preached let him be accursed. Gal.1:9 quoting Paul the apostle.

And he uses this to damn and curse and call people filthy pigs and perverts and I know not what.

Well what is wrong with that? surely he is quoting scripture isn't he? isn't he?

Yes he is quoting scripture but he is quoting it to the WRONG people, he is quoting it to the Galatians who Paul said had been bewitched by false brethren, it was the false brethren who had bewitched them who were accursed not the poor foolish Galatians who had been bewitched.

To the Galatians themselves Paul was full of tenderness, pleading with them to come back to the simplicity of the gospel they had heard at the beginning, pleading with them to become once more as he himself was.

People as believe in the works based salvation far, far, outnumber those who believe in salvation by faith alone. We know they are saved for they have the testimony. The problem starts when they attend discipleship classes or when they read "holiness" books

You cain't blame Christians for having a warmhearted regard for the people who first brought them the gospel, in their early days as Christians they take all the feed they can. It is unfortunate that they also imbibe this works based salvation and holiness teachings.

The only way to wean them off it is by patient teaching, showing them the better way, proving your doctrine by scripture.


Well-known member
Gosh, all this time I thought Nick was addressing those he considered false brethren. :think:

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Your reference to him as "Nicky boy," demonstrates that you lack confidence in yourself, on TOL, and are merely acting as a "tuff gal," Dora. I'd bet that Nick the Great, could beat you up, right after he pulled off your fake pig tails.

I know, I know....I'm just trying to gyp you out of your Twinkies.....Back to Pentecost!!!! Puh-rays Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd!!


New member
The word 'creep' springs to mind. The vile and evil accusations he continually makes denote a seriously sick individual. Such people are always exposed for what they really are and the communities in which they live are always shocked. I just hope that when he is exposed nobody but him is hurt.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The word 'creep' springs to mind. The vile and evil accusations he continually makes denote a seriously sick individual. Such people are always exposed for what they really are and the communities in which they live are always shocked. I just hope that when he is exposed nobody but him is hurt.

Looks like you're an 'aficionado' of horror stories? You sure
paint a bleak picture of who Nick truly is, as well as his
imminent future demise!

You're a regular, "Edgar Allen Dope!"


New member
(( Just Look At This BUNCH Of Phony SO Called -- ~((( ~"Christians"!!!!! )))!!!, - Every One of you Christ Hating Fools are Nothing but a Pile of DUNG!!! -- ?Christians"!!!!!, -- Yes, just like Satan, the Lying (( Hebrews 12:8 KJV ))!!!! -- MAN, What a Bunch of phony Fools!!!!

None of you Fools can use anything like Christ / The Word of God to DEFEND Yourselves, -- (( Never ))!!!!

Paul, David -- 070914

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
(( Just Look At This BUNCH Of Phony SO Called -- ~((( ~"Christians"!!!!! )))!!!, - Every One of you Christ Hating Fools are Nothing but a Pile of DUNG!!! -- ?Christians"!!!!!, -- Yes, just like Satan, the Lying (( Hebrews 12:8 KJV ))!!!! -- MAN, What a Bunch of phony Fools!!!!

None of you Fools can use anything like Christ / The Word of God to DEFEND Yourselves, -- (( Never ))!!!!

Paul, David -- 070914

Thanks for your kind, rather insane remarks! I don't blame
you, life can do that to some!


New member
Thanks for your kind, rather insane remarks! I don't blame
you, life can do that to some!

(((( INSANE ))))???? -- Just because I'm not the FOOL You Are, I'm INSANE?? -- That's the same kind of Dung SATAN Would say in his LIE Also!!!

Just Stay Where you Are, that will be just FINE For ME!!!!!

Paul, David -- 070914

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
(((( INSANE ))))???? -- Just because I'm not the FOOL You Are, I'm INSANE?? -- That's the same kind of Dung SATAN Would say in his LIE Also!!!

Just Stay Where you Are, that will be just FINE For ME!!!!!

Paul, David -- 070914

Remember that old saying; "Nuttier than a fruitcake?" Well, it
was referring to you!