my commentary on the debates: undercard was more interesting


New member
I know I am just a nobody and no Krauthammer or O'Reilly, and should not presume that my opinions/perceptions/thoughts matter concerning the Republican debate :( but I thought i would express them just the same

if for no other r eason than the fact there are plenty of other nobodies out there as well, and maybe some of them... no, i tend to think a lot of them... will agree with me.. on some of it at least?

Carly was awesome, best debate 4 her of all! :) I love how she went after the corrupt liar, Clinton, said she would do anything to get elected

I love what Gilmore said about how we can't scapegoat anyone, not b/c of religion or race or whatever. I think a lot of the so called Republicans in high places in this country just TOTALLY ignore the poor people, the lower middle class, etc... which is why we are always LOSING the presidency

Rand Paul was too snarky toward Ted Cruz, whom he has worked with in the Senate, but now acts like he is... a Dem or something. I lost some respect for him over that

Ted Cruz never got a chance to defend his position on the gov collection of phone calls, which means just collecting numbers, not actual conversations. He is NOT in favor of infringing on our privacy but RAnd made it LOOK that way. Again, i have lost respect for RAnd over this

I love Huckabee's description of what a Sanders presidency would look like, what socialism really is. I have never heard a better desciption of socialism... He basically asked the rhetorical Q: "Why would anyone choose to give the product of his hard labor [this is MY paraphrase, by the way, but i always try to be accurate].. Y give up your hard earned cash to govt and trust them to give back to you... well, just whatever, fill in the blanks.. I wish i could recall his words

I like what he said about how ppl in gov and ppl in high places are doing well, but others, not so much

Ben Carson was apolitical :) and inarticulate :) and i LOVE that! It show he is spontaneous and un-rehearsed. If only he were absolutely pro life, i would consider voting 4 him

(more later)



New member
There should be NO "undercard"

which i believe is the message of those candidates who complained about the media

All candidates should have equal footing

the undercard was more interesting b/c we all know already what most Rs think..


New member
i think a lot of the candidates have been totally dishonest when criticizing Cruz.

no one should want the presidency SO bad s/he is willng to... well 4 one, be disingenuous

lie... etc...

looks like a very tough job anyway.
