Muslims now openly wearing PRO 9/11 Shirts! Left Denies Trump's Claim


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Check it out:

This has to be the USA equivalent of Turks booing
during the minute of silence for Paris victims at football game.

Wow seriously wow!
Take a good look at the shirt: not the Muslim who’s wearing it, but the shirt!
This shirt is produced in large quantities and sold on the streets of many muslim countries — The Middle East, Indonesia, Pakistan and India — Without local or international or organizations making any noise whatever.
They are making these shirts and Muslims are wearing them with Pride and Remembering the attack on the Twin Towers in which more than 2,000 people died.
Racism and offenses to other races and beliefs do not appear to apply to Muslims: Why?
They are then demanding Humanitarium aid at the slightest opportunity and we’re always ready to offer them assistance, even helping them to open new mosques.
If it keeps on like this, in a few years they will meet their objective. The Destruction/Conquest of the West.
You can either forward this information or close your eyes. – John Gault
