Moses, the Prophet, knew YHWH 'face-to-face'


New member
And there arose not a Prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom YHWH knew face to face - Deuteronomy 34:10

Moses: YHWH thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken - Deuteronomy 18:15

Yeshua came as a Prophet, "like unto Moses".
Yeshua will be a King and Priest, like Melchizedek, when He returns to rule.


Well-known member

Let's see what kind of prophet he was:

From chapter 4 of my homepage, here to be found:

Let us take a look at the prophetic qualities of Jesus.

In Matthew 4:17 he claims that the kingdom of heaven is at hand..

Now, almost 2000 years later, the kingdom is still not here.

This claim of Jesus to return soon in order to judge the whole world is all over the New Testament. Look for instance in Revelations 1:1-3, idem 3:11, idem 22:6, 10-12, 20. Everywhere here is spoken about a soon return and the early Christian communities were expecting the return of Christ in their lifetimes, as we can read in I Corinthians 7:29, Romans 13:11-12, and I Peter 4:7. Their belief in a return of Christ in their lifetimes was based upon very clear, not to be misunderstood statements of Jesus. Look for an impressive prophesy in Mark 13:24-30: "The sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light. And the stars of heaven will fall and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken. And then they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And then he shall send his angels and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven ….. Verily I say to you, that this generation shall not pass till all these things be done." -----See also Matthew 24:29-35 and Luke 21;25-33. .

This generation passed away almost 2000 years ago, and no one has seen him coming back on the clouds to establish his kingdom of peace and gather in his elected Christians.

In Matthew 16:27-28 Jesus says: "For the son of man shall come in the glory of his father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. Verily I say unto you, there be some standing here which shall not taste of death till they see the son of man coming in his kingdom." See also Mark 9:1

Did anybody see him coming in his kingdom? Is every man already rewarded according to his works?... But some of them would not die until they would have seen him coming in his kingdom!...Are they still around today?....Even Methuselah didn't live that long!

From this we must conclude that Jesus has a very poor resume as a prophet. What does the Holy Torah that the only eternal G.d gave to the Jewish people say about this?

Deuteronomy 18:20-22: "But the prophet which shall presume to speak a word in my name which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. And if you say in your heart; how shall we know the word that the LORD has not spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing follows not, nor come to pass, this is the thing that the LORD has not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously, you shall not be afraid of him."

Here G.d commands the Jewish people to execute false prophets, who are prophets whose prophecies do not come true. Jesus is a perfect example of a prophet whose prophecy did not come true.

"O Y-H-W-H, my strength and my fortress, my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, 'Surely our fathers have inherited lies, worthlessness and unprofitable things.' Will a man make gods for himself, which are not gods?"
Jeremiah 16:19


New member
Let us take a look at the prophetic qualities of Jesus.

In Matthew 4:17 he claims that the kingdom of heaven is at hand..

Now, almost 2000 years later, the kingdom is still not here.

Now, almost 2000 years later, Mosaic Judaism still doesn't exist,
having been ended by God in 70AD as a result of you hunting-down
and stoning-to-death those Jews that became believers in Yeshua of Nazareth.

Bradley D

Well-known member
This generation passed away almost 2000 years ago, and no one has seen him coming back on the clouds to establish his kingdom of peace and gather in his elected Christians.

According to scripture it has only been a little over two days. Some people are so impatient.

"A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night" (Psalm 90:4).

"But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day" (2 Peter 3:8).


New member
Notice how the OP is avoided and a "flood" of irrelevant information is posted instead. :crackup:

YHWH promised one like unto Moses would arise.
YHWH promised that Messiah the Prince would appear at the B.C./A.D. point.
Jews wanted a puny man with political ambitions to be their leader.
Judaism ceased to exist in 70 A.D. and therefore Moses has been abandoned.

I wonder if the "stoning-to-death" of Jewish believers in Yeshua had anything to do with the destruction of the Temple and diaspora of all Jews from "Palestine"? :idea:


Well-known member
Judaism ceased to exist in 70 A.D.
Odd. we hadn't noticed.

I wonder if the "stoning-to-death" of Jewish believers in Yeshua had anything to do with the destruction of the Temple and diaspora of all Jews from "Palestine"? :idea:

The Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD, 40 years after these supposed events. Jews stilled lived in Israel, though many more were killed or exiled after the Bar Kochba revolt 70 years later. Even after that Jews still lived there. There are many Synagogues in Israel form the 3rd and 4th centuries. So teh time line doesn't fit your theory.

And there is the inconvenient fact that Jews have returned to Israel in the past few generations. Our apologies.


Well-known member

Let's see what kind of prophet he was:

From chapter 4 of my homepage, here to be found:

Let us take a look at the prophetic qualities of Jesus.

In Matthew 4:17 he claims that the kingdom of heaven is at hand..

Now, almost 2000 years later, the kingdom is still not here.

This claim of Jesus to return soon in order to judge the whole world is all over the New Testament. Look for instance in Revelations 1:1-3, idem 3:11, idem 22:6, 10-12, 20. Everywhere here is spoken about a soon return and the early Christian communities were expecting the return of Christ in their lifetimes, as we can read in I Corinthians 7:29, Romans 13:11-12, and I Peter 4:7. Their belief in a return of Christ in their lifetimes was based upon very clear, not to be misunderstood statements of Jesus. Look for an impressive prophesy in Mark 13:24-30: "The sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light. And the stars of heaven will fall and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken. And then they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And then he shall send his angels and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven ….. Verily I say to you, that this generation shall not pass till all these things be done." -----See also Matthew 24:29-35 and Luke 21;25-33. .

This generation passed away almost 2000 years ago, and no one has seen him coming back on the clouds to establish his kingdom of peace and gather in his elected Christians.

In Matthew 16:27-28 Jesus says: "For the son of man shall come in the glory of his father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. Verily I say unto you, there be some standing here which shall not taste of death till they see the son of man coming in his kingdom." See also Mark 9:1

Did anybody see him coming in his kingdom? Is every man already rewarded according to his works?... But some of them would not die until they would have seen him coming in his kingdom!...Are they still around today?....Even Methuselah didn't live that long!

From this we must conclude that Jesus has a very poor resume as a prophet. What does the Holy Torah that the only eternal G.d gave to the Jewish people say about this?

Deuteronomy 18:20-22: "But the prophet which shall presume to speak a word in my name which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. And if you say in your heart; how shall we know the word that the LORD has not spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing follows not, nor come to pass, this is the thing that the LORD has not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously, you shall not be afraid of him."

Here G.d commands the Jewish people to execute false prophets, who are prophets whose prophecies do not come true. Jesus is a perfect example of a prophet whose prophecy did not come true.

"O Y-H-W-H, my strength and my fortress, my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, 'Surely our fathers have inherited lies, worthlessness and unprofitable things.' Will a man make gods for himself, which are not gods?"
Jeremiah 16:19
Did anybody see him coming in his kingdom? Is every man already rewarded according to his works?... But some of them would not die until they would have seen him coming in his kingdom!...Are they still around today?...

Yes me!

It happened in that generation, as he said , and it's happened in every generation since!


New member
Odd. we hadn't noticed.

The Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD, 40 years after these supposed events. Jews stilled lived in Israel, though many more were killed or exiled after the Bar Kochba revolt 70 years later. Even after that Jews still lived there. There are many Synagogues in Israel form the 3rd and 4th centuries. So teh time line doesn't fit your theory.

And there is the inconvenient fact that Jews have returned to Israel in the past few generations. Our apologies.

No Temple = No sacrifices = No Mosaic Judaism
You are living in an "illusion" created by the Talmud
However, I'm certain that your "messiah" is presently alive and will appear in due time.