I don't condone violent protests by anyone, but the vast majority of the protesters have been peaceful. And these protests are entirely justified ! The election of Donald Chump is a disaster about to happen . No, a catastrophe.
Trump had absolutely no business even running for the presidency in the first place , and now he has conned his way into getting it. He is unleashing forces of bigotry, ignorance, intolerance and backwardness which threaten to undo all the progress America has made in the last 50 years or so.
Trump won't "make America great again " - he will only make America HATE again .
Let's face it ; Trump is a totally amoral, slick-talking, manipulative , self-serving narcissistic sociopath . He has no morals or ethics, no integrity, no principles, no honesty, The only thing that matters to him is achieving ever more power, money , publicity and influence. Not to mention access to beautiful women for his own selfish gratification , especially those he's not married to .
If you are an ordinary private citizen with your own problems caused by difficult social and economic conditions in America and think he cares anything about you, you are pathetically naive an deluded .
These protesters are NOT this naive . They know how evil and dangerous Trump is. As well as all those he is going to appoint to his cabinet and judges, whether of the Supreme court or lower .