From the May 9th show:
Professor Charles Oxnard of the University of Western Australia used what they consider to be an objective test. They took measurements all kinds of bone, joints and ankles and all, of all the Australopithecine fossils. And they compared them to apes and to humans. And here's what they found out - that Lucy is more unlike apes and humans than apes and humans are from each other. So they concluded that Australopithecus is a unique group of extinct apes. They're creatures that are not intermediate. They're not between apes and humans. They're not evolutionary links at all.
Now they're looking at Neanderthal's DNA. And they find that among modern humans, when they look at certain parts of DNA, there are substitutions from one human to another. They range from 1 to 24 substitutions in this mitochondrial DNA. One to 24 among living humans. When they look at Neanderthal compared to humans, it's 22 substitutions. In other words Neanderthals were more like humans than are humans! ...At 4 different sites they have Neanderthals and modern humans buried together. So Neanderthals were not apes trying to become human beings. They were human beings.