More news from England, or what's left of it

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Man, you know as much about England as you do about maths...

So, you go scouring the net for some story to feed your obsession with Muslims and end up with some ridiculous hyperbole because of a court ruling. The sky isn't falling over here thanks and we're not on the verge of having prayer mats delivered either.

Get. A. Grip.

Oh, and FTR I don't agree with the decision.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

The latter. Now go escalate another court case you can dredge up and exaggerate it into 'the sky falling in' or something. Otherwise, please shut up about the UK because your ignorance is incredibly embarrassing, much like your maths...


Well-known member
The latter. Now go escalate another court case you can dredge up and exaggerate it into 'the sky falling in' or something. Otherwise, please shut up about the UK because your ignorance is incredibly embarrassing, much like your maths...

Are both true? (yes) :think: TOL isn't the first discussion I've seen on both and this particular picture. It is all over Facebook for instance.


Well-known member
A quick google search shows that this guy did not just leave bacon sandwiches outside. They went into the mosque, shouted racial abuse at a worshiper and interrupted their prayer for no reason. He also put a flag up with "No mosques in England". Not to mention that they guy has a long criminal history (32 court cases), former prison sentences, guilty of football related violence and racial abuse of a police officer. So while 1 year in prison is strict, it is not as if he was just an average Joe who left a tray of bacon sandwiches outside in some poor attempt at humor. He got convicted because he disruption of prayer at a place of worship and racial abuse of a worshiper was seen as an attack on the freedom of religion, and given his criminal history it is not that strange.

But I guess you immediately bought into the right wing extremist narrative, that this guy was just a family man who made a joke. Anything to justify your own fanatical anti-muslim stance by portraying the UK and Europe as a place that is in total dismay due to Islam I guess.


Well-known member
Sounds like he was a soccer idiot. Didn't deserve jail over what he did. Women with their breasts hanging out storm church services, or a mob of sodomites surround a church in service, and it's defended by the Left as free speech.


Well-known member
. He got convicted because he disruption of prayer at a place of worship and racial abuse of a worshiper was seen as an attack on the freedom of religion, and given his criminal history it is not that strange.

But I guess you immediately bought into the right wing extremist narrative, that this guy was just a family man who made a joke. Anything to justify your own fanatical anti-muslim stance by portraying the UK and Europe as a place that is in total dismay due to Islam I guess.

He's a protestor, sure. Compare it to the other guy yet? :think:

The point to me, seemed to be "Kill the 'audacious' infidel/Release the poor Muslim to take care of his poorer family."

Topsy turvy? I think a liberal sentiment to 'be kind' and 'inviting' can be good. Out of balance? Stuff like this. One of Obama's forgiven's for instance. Our SCOTUS is out of balance as far as being consistent and fair to allow some, oppose others. I really think we need an amendment for all supreme court nominees to not be appointed, but voted in, with term limits when they mess up, just like anybody else.

I'm not sure what you guys need, but I'd suspect it is similar. We need to be wise about 'leniency' if we are going to do it, not stupid about it, it seems, across national divides. -Lon


More news from England, or what's left of it

If the UK can survive Dunkirk and the Blitz, she can cope with a few Muslim extremists!

Its the so-called reports of "England's" demise by misinformed conservative Americans that's the real "fake news!"

Trump received support from the least educated elements of American society - which would explain the proliferation of these kinds of threads!


Well-known member
Trump received support from the least educated elements of American society - which would explain the proliferation of these kinds of threads!
And? By 'association' for the rest? You can't participate (and I can't believe I am) without banter like this, without lowering yourself and your standards, if even just a little.

1) I think contrast reflects extremes well. "Muslim" was the common theme. A demonstrator, political activist is killed in jail. It is understood this wasn't his first time. I don't know the guy but can admire conscientious objecting. 2) News can be just news, or it can be a spotlight that points out inconsistencies. Commentary can be intelligent and sincere, even if it looks like an accusation. PC these days is "NO PREJUDISM! AGAINST ANYBODY!!!" :nono: I moved away from the 'bad' side of town. It means I am prejudging the behavior of a part of the population. Pre-judging is good and we call it wisdom. 3) Motives are hard to always understand, but my educated guess is, that threads like this are a warning to America to avoid British and other European mistakes. Now that you've already mentioned President Trump, he has called for the same thing so the topic is current political news and you don't have to be of any poor intelligence to have some concerns. It isn't the 'best' idea to allow immigration when your country is or has recently been at war/in conflict with a people group. I'd think this topic isn't really as much about England or Europe but rather about not falling into the same dilemma. That said, we don't always get the 'best' of Britain over here. 4) Intelligence. :think: Yeah, not sure if you've been paying attention to our 'educated' elite these days. Evergreen and the Vietnam protests might be appropriate indicators. Progressive-Liberal doesn't mean 'horse-sense.' I'm educated, I know a number of 'uneducated' that are quite a bit more intelligent and with more horse-sense (practical common sense) than many of their college counter-parts. It used to be, the working class voted democrat and the rich voted republican.

Not sure if I brought any meaningful contemplation or discussion. A picture can produce disdain or contemplation, banter, or discussion. I had seen this on other medias so it sparked a bit more contemplation and interest. -Lon