More liberal sensorship

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I didn't see if Jefferson had one today, so I will take it. One of my favorite targets Twitter, suspended an account for tweeting conservatism.

That verification checkmark tells all the other users that a particular account is the real thing. Having a verified account can be a big draw and boost followers who are otherwise reluctant to be suckered or drawn in by fakes. Stripping verification takes that mark of legitimacy away. It is also a sort of peculiar way to punish violations of terms of service. Assuming @Nero actually violated the terms of service, is the account somehow no longer Yiannopoulos’s?

Of course not. More important, it is not at all obvious that @Nero violated the terms of service at all. Stipulate that he is a troll who relishes destroying the Left’s sacred cows and laughs at the resulting discomfiture. Stipulate even that it’s really not nice and consciously deprives people of their “safe spaces.” So what? Five minutes on twitter reveals death threats by and against every possible demographic. Terror accounts proliferate. Anti-Semitism is rampant.

Leaving these accounts untouched but de-verifying a public figure like @Nero for violating the Terms of Service in the course of his public persona is nonsensical. Other Twitter methods for stifling anti-PC thought have come to light.​


like marbles on glass
More liberal sensorship

I'll say one thing for Jefferson: at least he knows how to spell censorship.

Anyway, this was kind of funny, it was a comment at your link. It reads in part:

"In any case, the solution isn’t to run away. It’s to continue to try to engage and to marginalize the SJW types. You do that by having as broad an opposition to the SJW types as possible."​

So... that means when conservatives do the same thing that they're complaining that liberals are doing, then it's okay?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I'll say one thing for Jefferson: at least he knows how to spell censorship.

Good catch for me doing two things at once and using my spelling for things I work with. Because that is what matters, not evil perverts.