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Facebook Censors Page Warning of Sharia Law

An anti-Sharia law project with Minnesota roots is the target of censorship as Facebook pulled a video from the “Should America Fear Sharia?” page last week.

The video in question is 45-seconds long and claims to depict Muslims throwing homosexuals off of a rooftop in Libya. Over the course of the video, four people are thrown from a four story building. A resounding smack can be heard as they hit the ground, followed by chants of “Allah Akbar.”

...While it is no longer on Facebook, the video remains published on YouTube, and embedded on “Should America Fear Sharia?” website.

“Should America Fear Sharia?” posted a one paragraph article on the incident, including screenshots of the original post and the removal notice.

“After receiving over 750,000 views, the Thought Police at Facebook decided that too many people were beginning to learn the truth about Sharia Law and removed the post,” the article says.

To read the rest of the article click HERE.