More liberal censorship


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Conservative Leaders Blast TV Networks for Censoring March for Life

RESTON, VA – Nineteen leading pro-life organizations joined the Media Research Center to chastise the networks for their near blackout of the 2016 March for Life. The Annual March for Life, which attracted over 200,000 participants from around the country, marked the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.

The only network that offered coverage was CBS, which dedicated 15 seconds to the March in the context of highlighting moderate Republican opposition to the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Meanwhile, NBC , ABC, and Spanish-language networks Univision and Telemundo, completely ignored the March. The networks did, however, find time to cover “deflategate,” sidecar dogs in America, and Prince Andrew’s sex scandal.

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell reacts:

“If these were a few dozen hipsters protesting corporate profits while taking selfies with iPhones, the networks would have wall-to-wall coverage. The media cannot be bothered to cover 200,000 pro-lifers who came to Washington in the middle of winter to march for the unborn.

To read the rest of the article click HERE.


New member
Networks Cover Panda Cub’s Debut 26x More than March for Life

Tens of thousands of Americans filled Washington, D.C., Friday for the annual March for Life commemorating the nearly 60 million babies snuffed out since 1973’s Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. During their nationally broadcast news shows following the march (Friday night to Monday morning) ABC, CBS and NBC totally ignored the event – except as a casual reference to a group stranded in the snow. At the same time, the three networks dedicated more than nine-and-a-half minutes – 26 times more than the march – on the debut of the National Zoo’s cub last weekend. Journalists don’t care about the unborn, but they care about the newly born if they happen to be adorable animals.

Once again, you have demonstrated you don't know the definition of censorship.

Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions.

This sure looks like the "suppression of information which may be considered politically incorrect as determined by media outlets" to me.


New member
Hall of Fame
Better question: Why does anyone consider the March for Life newsworthy anymore?

Seriously. How is it a big news story? People in Washington protested a cause. Uh, great. Get in line. What makes this story special or unique on the forty-third anniversary of Roe v. Wade? Fortieth or fiftieth I could understand, but forty-three years later? To be perfectly blunt, so what if they were there? It's not a significant story. Talk about over-estimating your own importance.

Does no one here understand how news actually works?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Does no one here understand how news actually works?
I do. I work in the industry, selecting stories.

Large protests are great draws for reporters, photographers and editors because the stories pretty much write themselves and material is easy to generate, while there is always that chance of something more exciting happening than people walking and chanting.

And people walking and chanting is good enough for 450 words of copy. Add a picture and you've got one-fifth of a newspaper page.

I saw one AP story after this march, which was cast in the least pro-life fashion possible.

When it comes to issues of importance, like opposing baby killing, the media is just like you: willing to do anything to keep the industry alive.


Once again, you have demonstrated you don't know the definition of censorship.

"Selective media coverage" can be used as a synonym for censorship.

For instance, here in Sodomy and Gonorrhea North (Seattle), if a half dozen "Black Lives Matters" protestors gather, the liberal media slobbers all over themselves thoroughly covering the story. A few thousand pro life people gathering at the State Capitol in Olympia on the other hand...

Jose Fly

New member
So "censorship" = "they didn't report on a story we think is newsworthy"?

IOW, every time a media outlet doesn't report on something I think is newsworthy, I can cry "CENSORSHIP!!!"?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So "censorship" = "they didn't report on a story we think is newsworthy"?

IOW, every time a media outlet doesn't report on something I think is newsworthy, I can cry "CENSORSHIP!!!"?

you can do whatever you want :idunno:


New member
"Selective media coverage" can be used as a synonym for censorship.

For instance, here in Sodomy and Gonorrhea North (Seattle), if a half dozen "Black Lives Matters" protestors gather, the liberal media slobbers all over themselves thoroughly covering the story. A few thousand pro life people gathering at the State Capitol in Olympia on the other hand...

No it can't. Freedom of speech alone does not guarantee airtime.

Jose Fly

New member
It isn't so much that they didn't report a story we think is newsworthy.

You say that, but then.....

It is about exposing the bias in suppressing a story about tens of thousands of people braving a winter storm to protest against abortion in Washington DC

IOW, you believe that type of story is worthy of news coverage.

while continuing to publish stories like this:
Pro-Choice Rally Draws Hundreds To Arkansas State Capitol

Well yeah....that rally was in Arkansas, so the Arkansas media covered it. Local event = local coverage. However, the OP is a complaint about the national media (and even then, they had to concede that CBS did cover it).


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
"Selective media coverage" can be used as a synonym for censorship.

For instance, here in Sodomy and Gonorrhea North (Seattle), if a half dozen "Black Lives Matters" protestors gather, the liberal media slobbers all over themselves thoroughly covering the story. A few thousand pro life people gathering at the State Capitol in Olympia on the other hand...

No it can't. Freedom of speech alone does not guarantee airtime.

Especially if the media is owned and operated by the left.

One of the reasons more people of faith should get involved in journalism: so that the truth won't be censored.