More Evidence linking Bushs and Clintons to Paedophile Rings


New member

Compelling evidence continues to emerge linking the European pedophile rings
with members of the Bush and Clinton families and others. Check out the links below.

I wonder about your sanity? Your over riding obsession with filthy conspiracy rumors seems unhealthy.


New member
Your over riding obsession with filthy conspiracy rumors seems unhealthy.

Your use of the word "rumors" is very disturbing.
Child victims are REAL, not mere rumors.

google 'child victims'.

Not exposing and fighting them is the same as tacit approval.

So if you feel no empathy with child abuse victims,
and feel uncompelled to assist in eradicating pedophile rings in your government,
what does that say about you?

Imagine you were in the process of being victimized by a home invasion,
in which those perpetrators were openly planning to molest, torture and kill your children.

Would it be right to say to you "Hey, enough. You've covered the problem. Please stop talking about it.",
when the home invasion was still ongoing, and your children were at risk?

I'm going to say this once:

I am my brother's keeper.

The children are still at risk.

I don't plan to stop until I see people like the Clintons and Bushes and Epsteins
and Heaths brought to justice.

You can call that an obsession if you want to.

But you pay taxes to have the police supposedly do the very same thing.
Only they don't do their job when it comes to rich jerks.

So that means someone else has to.

Maybe it should be YOU.

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New member
Your use of the word "rumors" is very disturbing.
Child victims are REAL, not mere rumors.

google 'child victims'.

Not exposing and fighting them is the same as tacit approval.

So if you feel no empathy with child abuse victims,
and feel uncompelled to assist in eradicating pedophile rings in your government,
what does that say about you?

Imagine you were in the process of being victimized by a home invasion,
in which those perpetrators were openly planning to molest, torture and kill your children.

Would it be right to say to you "Hey, enough. You've covered the problem. Please stop talking about it.",
when the home invasion was still ongoing, and your children were at risk?

I'm going to say this once:

I am my brother's keeper.

The children are still at risk.

I don't plan to stop until I see people like the Clintons and Bushes and Epsteins
and Heaths brought to justice.

You can call that an obsession if you want to.

But you pay taxes to have the police supposedly do the very same thing.
Only they don't do their job when it comes to rich jerks.

So that means someone else has to.

Maybe it should be YOU.


It is very easy to slander someone today. Documents, even videos can be rigged.
I have and continue to go to bat for children. So stop attempting to besmirch my name with your arrogant judgmental statements.


New member
It is very easy to slander someone today. Documents, even videos can be rigged.

Please note that Epstein PLEADED GUILTY and was FOUND GUILTY.

Its not slander to report FACTS.

In this case, no documents or videos were rigged,
unless you mean the incredibly LIGHT SENTENCE
that this RICH JEWISH PEDOPHILE got for his privileged status.

I've ENLARGED the relevant facts below: Here check this out:


Prince Andrew’s tycoon pal may have taken compromising photos of him with the underage girl he is alleged to have abused.
Details buried in original court papers filed against pervert Jeffrey Epstein, 61, reveal that he recorded the sordid orgies he threw for VIPs at his luxury homes using cameras hidden in the walls of guest bedrooms.
The woman known as Jane Doe 3 – said to be 30-year-old Virginia Roberts – claims she was held as a sex slave and forced to sleep with the Duke of York in London, New York and the US Virgin Islands.
She says she was 17 at the time – under the age of consent in Florida.
One of the sexual encounters with the Prince, 54, is alleged to have taken place at an orgy *involving other underage girls on Epstein’s private island.
The financier, who was jailed for 18 months in 2008 after pleading guilty to solicitation for prostitution, kept a sickening stash of images on a computer seized at his Palm Beach mansion in 2006.

Secret filming? Jeffrey Epstein's Palm Beach mansion in Florida Prince Andrew was a frequent guest at the house.
Lawyers representing Roberts, originally referred to as Jane Doe 102, mentioned the hidden cameras in a 27-page filing at the Palm Beach Federal Courthouse in Florida.
The six-year-old papers, seen by the Sunday People, state: “Some of the photographs in the defendant’s possession were taken with hidden cameras set up in [Epstein’s] home in Palm Beach.
“On the Day of his arrest, police found two hidden cameras and photographs of *underage girls on a computer in the defendant’s home.
“[He] may have taken lewd *photographs of Jane Doe 102 with his hidden cameras and transported [them] to his other residences and elsewhere.”
There is no suggestion that Prince Andrew knew Roberts was being held as a sex slave by the tycoon and she claims she first met the royal when the financier took her to Europe and North Africa in 2001.

During a stop in London they called on his former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of crooked media mogul Robert Maxwell.
Solo Syndication

Meeting: Virginia Roberts with Prince Andrew Roberts claims in the latest court documents, filed on December 30, that she first slept with the prince at Maxwell’s home.
Court papers also allege that Maxwell presented nude pictures of her she had taken herself to Epstein as a birthday present.
They add that Roberts’ claims that she was forced to tell Epstein all about her sexual encounters so he could use the information to “blackmail” the royal.
She further claims she was sex-trafficked to “many other powerful men, including numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well known Prime Minister, and other world leaders”.
Prosecutors believe Epstein, who enjoyed watching other people have sex, had cameras fitted at his other residences across the world.
Prince Andrew – who was photographed with Roberts during a party in New York – was holed up in a luxury ski chalet in Switzerland on Saturday.
Jae Donnelly

Old pals: Prince Andrew and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein Buckingham Palace repeated his strongly-worded denial of the allegations.
Prince Andrew holidayed with Epstein in Thailand in 2001 and was snapped surrounded by topless women on a yacht.
A handyman who spent 11 years working for the tycoon claimed Prince Andrew often had massages when he was a guest at his Palm Beach mansion.
Juan Alessi said the Prince enjoyed daily massages from young women and often emerged “smiling” after rub-downs.
He said the massages were carried out in a private part of the mansion only Epstein and selected guests could access.
Alessi also told how he witnessed parties at the *waterfront mansion at which the Prince was present while young girls frolicked in the nude.
Despite his friend’s 2008 conviction for child sex offences, Prince Andrew continued to see him and the pair were pictured together in Central Park, New York.
The ensuing furore led to him quitting his role as Britain’s trade envoy.

Connected: Jeffrey Epstein is a registered sex offender but still a friend of the rich and powerful Epstein served 13 months before he was released.
Jane Doe’s claims against the Prince come after she joined three women in a lawsuit against prosecutors, claiming they broke the law by failing to consult them before signing a plea deal for the tycoon.
It is understood that without the agreement he would have faced up to 15 years in jail.
The ongoing lawsuit was filed by Brad Edwards and Paul Cassell and names the US Government as the defendant.
The lawyers say Epstein’s treatment was “contrary to the Government’s normal approach in prosecuting federal sex offences”.
The US State Attorney’s office in Florida still has the vile haul of images from Epstein’s Palm Beach home, which were captured on devices hidden in walls inside guest bedrooms.
A spokesman said: “These matters are subject to ongoing litigation. We have no comment.”

Seclusion: Jeffrey Epstein's private Caribbean island Ghislaine Maxwell branded claims against her as “untrue”.
Her spokesman said: “The allegations... against Ghislaine Maxwell are untrue. The original allegations are not new and have been fully responded to and shown to be untrue.
“Each time the story is retold it changes with new salacious details about public figures and world leaders.

“[The woman’s] claims are obvious lies and should be treated as such. Ghislaine Maxwell’s original response to the lies remains the same. [She] strongly denies allegations of an unsavoury nature... and reserves her right to seek redress.”
Buckingham Palace has denied “any suggestion of impropriety with underage minors” by Prince Andrew.

I have and continue to go to bat for children.

So stop attempting to besmirch my name with your arrogant judgmental statements.
I'm afraid its you my dear who are besmirching yourself with your opposition to my informative thread.

I am not calling you any names, nor suggesting you are deranged or mental or hysterical,
and it was YOU who did so about me, with your personal ad hominem attacks.

In fact, your attacks are inexplicable.

Why would you oppose the exposing of government pedophile rings?

Why would you suggest that they are "rumors", or that the evidence being provided
was "slander"?

Why would you suppose that documents or videos were "rigged"?

Do you think Epstein (who pled GUILTY) was framed?