Lord have mercy. At times I wonder if I am in a netherworld. Below are my responses to this bizarre attempt at the philosophical.
First some definitions to help us go about this argument in a more prudent manner:
1) Immorality: n 1: the quality of not being in accord with standards of right or good conduct
(Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University)
2) \Lib"er*al\, n. One who favors greater freedom in political or religious matters; an opponent of the established systems; a reformer
(Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.)
Admittedly, the other side might choose the definition that points to liberalism as 'one that embraces licentiousness' but given the realities, we will throw this aside as we have no proof - only platitudes.
Abortion: Sex without responsibility.
Using abortion as a springboard for this discussion allow me to move from here to a discussion of broader ideas and implications. From a liberal perspective, abortion is indeed a moral issue. For Liberals, it is an issue of Constitutional morality. For pro-life folks - it is an issue of religious morality and criminal behavior. Certainly a debate on abortion is a losing one. Good people can disagree. But, from the perspective of most liberal thinkers, abortion is a matter of choice because a lack of choosing what to do with one's own body (read: women) is a severe abridgement of personal, human rights.
Now, assuming that all human beings operated with the same upbringing, the same religious code and we lived in a country that mandated a uniform religious practice, abortion (and all the other issues) could in fact violate the moral code. But, in fact, we are a country that embraces many differing viewpoints and tolerates many religious/moral approaches to the issue of abortion. Moreover, the abortion debate falls short of discussing the STRUCTURAL implications in society. While all of us would LOVE to have young people resist sex and abstain the stark reality is that they will not. This falls on one's moral upbringing. Moreover, if we were to move to a pro-life legal position in this country, what would the safety nets be for all of these future presidents with mothers who have no support systems? Are we punishing the child for the irresponsibility of the mother and father? That doesn't sound very pro-life to me!
If in fact we go down the road that pro-choice (or if you prefer pro-abortion) advocates are labeled sexually deviant, then we must label those on the pro-life side as anti-abortion. Many on the pro-life side also embraced the war in Iraq, the death penalty, other forms of penal non-rehabilitative correctional systems, anti-welfare, anti-public school and supportive of the nascent form of capitalism (brutal and anti-life affirming in and of itself). These elements could be construed as NOT life affirming. Hence, we could go down the road and label such hypocrisy and deviance as situational morality - or call them anti-life. I prefer to say that good people disagree and that is the beauty of our country.
Broader Discussion and Implications
Any discussion of sexual deviance or immorality as attached to liberals must in fact be treaded carefully. In fact, one should recognize that no political belief or set of beliefs is all-encompassing or all correct. We could view Liberalism as one way of achieving a certain means to an end.
If we consider that public education is a way of achieving a way of meeting the needs of hundreds of thousands of children who would not have access to educational opportunity, avoid social deviance, and promote themselves to a higher social and spiritual standing, then in liberalism it has served its purpose. Admittedly, public education has failed in some respects - but the beauty of public education is the notion that it is in fact public. Those speaking out most against public education are typically those hold-overs who believe that total access to all segments of society means integrating our children with unseemly children. They then, by the beauty of our system, have the right to put their child in private school. The imposition of course is that one has to pay taxes for their share of the public schools - but this is a matter of choice. What alternatives, liberals ask, are there to public schools that don't in some way exclude millions of children. I would ask - what then are conservatives who loathe public schools advocating but an anti-life affirming platform. Is that fair? Perhaps not. Is it fair to paint with a broad, simpleton's brush that those in favor of public school are sexually deviant...absolutely not.
Next, let us consider that feminism is not ONE ideology. To identify ALL feminists in this way speaks to one's ignorance of the feminist movement itself. There are - YES - CHRISTIAN feminists who believe that women have a right to adhere to Biblical definitions defined for women from God. There are liberal feminists who believe that workplace equality is essential but fail to agree with the radical feminists who believe society must be overhauled. Within all of these factions, there are numerous groups - and even those that oppose public education and abortion!!!! So, complex ideologies and philosophical systems cannot be reduced to one simplistic statement or a perceived common denominator that is in fact false.
Next, welfare is always a prime target of conservatives who fail to understand that welfare is no longer what it once was. There is also a cognitive dissonance that occurs. Welfare costs us much less than the hundreds of billions spent on corporate welfare. Some of you might sigh, but the reality is that we have spent more in the Enron bailout, the Savings and Loan scandal of the 80s and numerous other corporate entities than we have paid out for welfare in its totality. Certainly, welfare needs reformed - and GUESS WHAT?! It has been. Welfare is a safety net for all Americans. In this economy, as well as in any recession, welfare serves to get people over the hump. It has been abused - no doubt. But the Cadillac mamas and systemic abuses referenced as wasteful are no different than the pork spending or corporate handouts. ALL of it needs reformed. Good-minded people of all political persuasions recognize that. But eradication of a system that is designed to help our fellow man get on his or her feet is not one based in sexual deviance. Consider that numerous white, formerly middle-class folks that have made use of welfare to get back on track. In fact, governmental usage statistics point out this population is by far THE Largest user of welfare services. Ironic isn't it? Is it sexually deviant? I am not convinced that it is any more sexually deviant than the Baptist minister who claims he is saving people from pornography by watching it in the church basement to determine content. I am not convinced that liberalism is any more sexually deviant than the Jimmy Swaggarts, the Bakers, the Bob Livingstons, the Henry Hydes or 'conservative' politicians from Oregon known to grope women in Congressional elevators. I am not convinced that liberalism is any more sexually deviant than the priests of catholic churches who engaged in child sex crimes.
You see the argument made is a slippery one. It can go both ways. And, honestly, I would rather discuss the issues related to liberal reforms - the successes and failures - in contrast to conservative positions.