Misrepresenting God to KOA's Mike Rosen

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Misrepresenting God to KOA's Mike Rosen

Thursday October 12th, 2006. This is show #204.


* When Christians Misrepresent God: they become an unnecessary stumbling stone to unbelievers, like KOA radio's Mike Rosen in Denver, who are even less likely to seriously consider Jesus Christ. We must teach other Christians to NOT automatically dish out forgiveness, and also, to STOP claiming that every filthy and perverse rape, etc., is God's will, and was orchestrated by God.

* Jalen from Roxborough: 10-year-old Jalen pointed out that people who say you can't judge, and you have to forgive everyone are contradicting themselves, since in order to forgive someone, you must FIRST judge them! Good point Jalen.

* The Murderer at the Amish School: Charles Roberts undoubtedly grew up with pornography (which poisoned his mind to molest younger girls in his youth), and was taught that everything (including his baby's death, and his vile behavior) was God's will.

* Kisha from Aurora: asked about Romans 8:28, "all things work together for good," which Bob explained does not mean that God works child pornography and adultery for good, but rather, that God works in the believers life to conform us to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. If you know that God is good and loving, then you will not twist a verse like Rom. 8:28 into meaning that God orchestrates rape for some good purpose.

Today's Resource: You may enjoy listening to Bob's very informative Predestination and Free Will Bible seminar!


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* The Murderer at the Amish School: Charles Roberts undoubtedly grew up with pornography (which poisoned his mind to molest younger girls in his youth), and was taught that everything (including his baby's death, and his vile behavior) was God's will.

This is not necessarily true. And I haven't seen any reports that he "grew up with pornography". (but I haven't read all the reports about this)

Bob Enyart

Staff member
defending pornography from unjust accusations

defending pornography from unjust accusations

About ten years ago, I interviewed a vice detective from Miami. He said on the air that in his years investigating sex crimes, he never once found a child molester who wasn't involved in pornography.

I also interviewed Dr. Judith Reisman. Granite and aharvey, her book, Soft Porn Plays Hard Ball, could give you more information that might quiet your cackle. Our government tracks drug-related crime, but there's too much support in our culture for pornography and sexual immorality for them to track porn-related child molestation, adultery-related murder, etc.

As I think I stated on the show, a severe sexual crime is commonly not a man's first crime, nor his first experience with sexual immorality. Typically in our society, he has been conditioned by a process that almost always involves pornography. Of course, people who consume porn tend to dismiss its virtually ubiquitous role in the lives of sexual criminals.

-Bob Enyart


New member
Bob Enyart said:
About ten years ago, I interviewed a vice detective from Miami. He said on the air that in his years investigating sex crimes, he never once found a child molester who wasn't involved in pornography.

I also interviewed Dr. Judith Reisman. Granite and aharvey, her book, Soft Porn Plays Hard Ball, could give you more information that might quiet your cackle. Our government tracks drug-related crime, but there's too much support in our culture for pornography and sexual immorality for them to track porn-related child molestation, adultery-related murder, etc.

As I think I stated on the show, a severe sexual crime is commonly not a man's first crime, nor his first experience with sexual immorality. Typically in our society, he has been conditioned by a process that almost always involves pornography. Of course, people who consume porn tend to dismiss its virtually ubiquitous role in the lives of sexual criminals.

-Bob Enyart
I'm a professional scientist, Bob, you're a professional rabble-rouser, so it's not surprising that our approaches to problems differ. We may agree that the ubiquity of pornography in our society is a problem, but I'm constrained by data and logic. Your original statement: "Charles Roberts undoubtedly grew up with pornography (which poisoned his mind to molest younger girls in his youth)" is no criticism of pornography, because you did nothing more than assert a connection between two bad things. And your latest slings are hardly better. I'll bet your detective never once found a child molester who wasn't involved in sleeping either. And how many people are involved in porn who aren't child molesters? The very pervasiveness of porn in our society would seem to suggest either that the connection isn't very strong or there are a whole lot more child molesters out there than we know about.

Again, one doesn't have to be pro-porn to be uncomfortable with unsupported, intentionally inflammatory assertions.
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