Misrepresented Adversary Elected By Elohim


Scriptural Finding (Believed Discovery)

Satan / Adversary / Serpent / Dragon / Anti-Messiah / Light Bearer / Anointed Guardian Cherub is misrepresented in Christian theological interpretation in a way that has sealed away the true nature of understanding the Church's / Brides Enemy and Threat.

* Time frame of power at God's side is skewed
- is not cast out until after the SON is sacrificed and declared
Propitiation for all sins.

* Involved in dispensation of Law
- Oh Death, where is thy sting.

* Is the character known as "The Angel of Death"
- Consumes Dust, Power of Death, Anointed Cherub that betrayed
Elohim, Humanity and Angels for Power and misrepresentation
Of perfection.

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Revelation chap. 12 is one of the most misunderstood chapters in all of the bible. Most prophecy pundits see Revelation as pertaining to the end-times until they get to chap. 12 and then it all goes back to the original fall of Satan and a subsequent war in heaven. Satan did not have seven heads and ten horns (final phase of the beast) in his original fall from heaven. Therefore chap. 12 is speaking to the last days when Satan and his angels are released from the bottomless bit (a metaphor for the invisible realm that the angels inhabit) and engage in a war in our atmosphere with Michael and his angels. There is a lot of controversy on the identity of Michael the archangel so I wont open up that can of worms.


Yes. Revelation 12 is one of the many places I'm drawing from. Where do you draw the bottomless pit info from. It is very interesting. About Michael, I agree that his holding the key is very interesting, and yet, it is indeed a theological can of worms left to my "one day Y-WH will reveal all" list.

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