Originally posted by lighthouse
Two different questions,...
Neither of which you appear able to answer.
It means that none of us are worthy of salvation, by anything we do. We have all fallen short of the glory of God. And scripture should be interpreted in light of scripture.
Not at all, it doesn't speak of "worth", it speaks of condition.
You're reading into the text something that is not there to avoid an unpleasant reality - the deity you claim to believe it damns eveyone who does not consciously follow your little religious ritual of "accepting Christ", whatever that means to you.
Sin is not imputed to them. It is not counted as sin.
If sin is something that cuts one off from the deity, then is sin that is not imputed actually sin?
...You read the words, and apply your own meaning.
Oddly enough, you do the same thing with your Bible...
I honestly don't believe a Christian would commit one murder. Someone who has the life, and mind, of Christ would know it was wrong, and not desire to do it.
Oh really? So to take your illustration another step, no "Christian" could commit any sin because they knew it was wrong?
But wait, I speak too soon... you recant this position in your next sentence...
But, it is possible that in the heat of the moment, if they caught their spouse cheating, or something, they might kill the other person, and possibly the spouse....
So you're suggesting that those who might do such an act in the "heat of the moment" should not bear the penalty of criminal law? We should let murderers go free because they claim to be Christians?
But they aren't mass murderers or serial killers. They don't go around randomly killing people, flippantly. Those who do are not in Christ.
So you're suggesting that Christians can commit murderer, commit extortion, deal drugs, steal, beat their wife, or abuse children and they are not sinning so long as they are not serial criminals?