Militias and armed citizens taking post at recruiting stations

M. A. Williams

New member
Frankly I think the Army would be fools to ignore groups of armed civilians outside their offices whether they claimed to be patriots or not.

Terrorists don't wear uniforms. They don't have rank slides. All it would take is a false sense of security compounded by complacency and someone could be in their midst and a good position to mount an attack from, even if it was short-lived.


New member
Armed civilians standing post. This is the right move. The Army senior officials should be ashamed, and Donald Trump or Scott Walker should fire and strip the officers who made these declarations when they come in.

Army officials told to treat their fellow Americans as a threat. The Army is screwed up now it isn't funny. Exactly as Rusha and Obama want.

This is incredibly stupid.

Of course patriots want to protect army personnel.

But the best solution is also the most obvious.

Arm the soldiers,
who are trained and who can be known and identified,
rather than rely upon persons known or unknown to guard military sites.

Military should guard military, or you have no security at all.

You can't have part-time boneheads or hero wannabes just showing up randomly.

There will be cases of mistaken identity and maybe even citizens shooting each other.

Army personnel should wear uniforms and be assumed to be armed,
to deter the jerks who want to disrupt order and kill for notoriety.

They can't be assumed to be armed, if everyone is told they are unarmed.

Also, bullet-proof glass is not an unreasonable expense in places where
you want the openness of glass but are vulnerable to frontal assaults,
such as store-fronts and walls facing parking lots.

Glass is expensive but is a 'one-shot' expense, and obviously could have saved lives.


New member
I can't believe I'm agreeing with Naz, again...



Well-known member
Man guarding recruitment center accidentally fires shot

"I was out here and was talking to a guy who wanted to look at my AR-15," said Reed in an interview with the Eagle-Gazette. "I was trying to clear the weapon and hand it over to him when it went off. I thought it was empty and must have missed it."

Reed said he had the gun pointed down at the time and the bullet hit the pavement.

"Listen, it was a mistake. No one was injured and I owned up to it immediately with the police," Reed said. "I'm glad no one was hurt."

But not only that, he'd done it before:

Reed was convicted of the same offense in 2013, and was fined $50, court records show.

Civilian guards ordered to leave shopping center after one accidentally fires rifle

“It is what it is,” he said. “Nobody got hurt.”

You people are a disaster.


This is incredibly stupid.

Of course patriots want to protect army personnel.

But the best solution is also the most obvious....

I can't believe I'm agreeing with Naz, again...

When little zoo's President lifts the ban on military personnel actually being able to carry weapons, then these citizens will be able to go home.

But since the left gets real excited when muzzies murder American soldiers, I don't think that will be happening anytime soon.


Well-known member
When little zoo's President lifts the ban on military personnel actually being able to carry weapons, then these citizens will be able to go home.

But since the left gets real excited when muzzies murder American soldiers, I don't think that will be happening anytime soon.

I can't believe I'm agreeing with ACW. :D


Well-known member
The few, the proud, the bat guano crazy.


After "guard duty" is over they go home, get drunk, pose in the mirror with their "uniforms" and guns, post on TOL, and accidentally fire a few rounds into the neighbor's house.

What a freakshow.


New member
The few, the proud, the bat guano crazy.


After "guard duty" is over they go home, get drunk, pose in the mirror with their "uniforms" and guns, post on TOL, and accidentally fire a few rounds into the neighbor's house.

What a freakshow.

She's hot!

I think I'll show her my guns!



New member
I think if you accidentally shoot off your gun
while on guard duty, you have disqualified yourself
for guard duty, until you take another training course.