Mike Mattia on the Detroit Car Show

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Mike Mattia on the Detroit Car Show

This is the show from Thursday July 15th, 2010.


* Michigan's Mike Mattia on the Dream Team: Mike tells Bob Enyart about the yearly opportunity in Detroit for sharing the Gospel and the pro-life message with a million people at the Woodward Dream Cruise, the nation's largest one-day outdoor car show with a million people in attendance. Bob refers to Mike and his event co-workers as the dream team because for this tremendous venue he's expecting PersonhoodUSA's Cal Zastrow, and Truth Truck USA's Ron Brock, and Missionaries to the Perborn's Matt Trewhella and Operation Rescue National/OSA's Mark Gabriel!

* ObamaCA62 logoare Allocates $160M for Abortion Funding: Bart Stupak and his National RTL-affiliated defenders are politically naieve. No?

* Join the Personhood Campaign: Personhood is the most important human rights movement of our lifetime. You can help Colorado RTL and Personhood Colorado pass Amendment 62 by joinging the campaign at MyCampaignTracker.org. And you can learn the INs and OUTs of the pro-life battled with the right-column resources at AmericanRTL.org!

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? Check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources!
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