Medical Advisor to Dr. Dobson on BEL Pt 2

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Medical Advisor to Dr. Dobson on BEL Pt 2

This is the show from Tuesday September 18th, 2007.


* Colorado Springs Dr. Roy Stringfellow: wrote a letter as a pro-life OB-GYN defending Dr. James Dobson's celebration of the recent partial-birth abortion ban. Focus on the Family has distributed two letters, one written by Dr. Stringfellow, and another from a pro-life OB-GYN association that lists Dr. Stringfellow as one of their officials. Bob debated Dr. Stringfellow and the interview certainly proved that this quote from the doctor's letter is false: "The elimination of partial birth abortion effectively removed the only realistic procedure for aborting babies in the late second trimester and the third trimester." Dr. Stringfellow admitted that there are other techniques, and that one of the leading late-term abortionists in the country, Boulder Colorado's Warren Hern, does not even perform PBAs, but uses other techniques. Tragically, Dr. Dobson has been emboldened by Dr. Stringfellow's false claims.

* Current Price to Kill Late-term Baby, $30,000: Denver pro-life activists have been calling abortionist Warren Hern for over 20 years to set fake appointments to get updated information on his killing and his prices. In August of this year, months after April's PBA ruling, we had a mother call, and asked if the current law prevented late-term abortion, claiming that her daughter was more than 30 weeks, and she wanted to bring her in for an abortion. Warren Hern's office told us that this new law did not affect their abortion practice whatsoever (Dr. Stringfellow admitted this on BEL, but left that out of his misleading letter to Dr. Dobson), and that the cost of killing such a late-term fetus would be approximately $30,000.

* No Drop in Late-term Abortion Business Around the US: Denver pro-life street activists are in communication with their counterparts around the country who have spent decades protesting daily at abortion mills. In the months after the PBA ruling, there was no reported drop in the numbers of late-term abortions committed, for example, by George Tiller in Wichita Kansas, and by all accounts, late-term abortions continue unabated at the Hope Clinic in Granite City Illinois, and are committed without interruption by notorious abortionists like Cincinnati Ohio's Martin Haskell, Omaha Nebraska's LeRoy Carhart, Boulder Colorado's Warren Hern, etc.

* Stringfellow Misrepresented the PBA Ruling: Focus on the Family has been relying upon Dr. Stringfellow as an authority on the Gonzales v. Carhart PBA ruling. However, Dr. Stringfellow misrepresented the ruling claiming that a now infamous line in the ruling, which explains how abortionist can still perform an "intact D&E," refers only to cases where the mother's life is at risk. The entire ruling, including the following paragraph that contains this sentence, disproves Dr. Stringfellow's claim:

The conclusion that the Act does not impose an undue burden is supported by other considerations. Alternatives are available to the prohibited procedure. As we have noted, the Act does not proscribe D&E. One District Court found D&E to have extremely low rates of medical complications. Planned Parenthood, supra, at 1000. Another indicated D&E was "generally the safest method of abortion during the second trimester." ... (explaining that "[e]xperts testifying for both sides" agreed D&E was safe). In addition the Act's prohibition only applies to the delivery of "a living fetus." ... If the intact D&E procedure is truly necessary in some circumstances, it appears likely an injection that kills the fetus is an alternative under the Act that allows the doctor to perform the procedure. [cites omitted]

And from the following paragraph: Here the Act allows, among other means, a commonly used and generally accepted method, so it does not construct a substantial obstacle to the abortion right.

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I heard part of the interview with Dr. Springfellow on BEL today. He is about as articulate in defending that evil Supreme Court decision as the people I have heard from who defend the evil 501[c][3].
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