Media praises Fiorina, but she is NOT pro-life


New member
I just verified that Fiorina is not truly pro life

she is against abortion unless for rape/incest

Tht is not logical

If it is murder, you do not do it just b/c the parent did something evil

the child should not have to suffer and forfeit his/her life for the sins/crimes of the parent(s)

protect ALL human life

Our government is WRONG (about so many things...)

Roe v Wade violated the Constitution

the part that says we have a right to "LIFE

liberty... [etc]..."

(can't have too many other rights without that one..)



New member
Wait, where does the constitution say that? Can you give me a source?

You do know the declaration of independence isn't the same thing as the constitution, right?

I already tried this line of questioning in another thread. Got called a "Liebarrell" which, I admit, is hella clever. :cheers:


I just verified that Fiorina is not truly pro life

she is against abortion unless for rape/incest

Tht is not logical

If it is murder, you do not do it just b/c the parent did something evil

the child should not have to suffer and forfeit his/her life for the sins/crimes of the parent(s)

protect ALL human life

Our government is WRONG (about so many things...)

Roe v Wade violated the Constitution

the part that says we have a right to "LIFE

liberty... [etc]..."

(can't have too many other rights without that one..)

May you never be an innocent Christian adolescent whose own father gets her pregnant.


read up on Post Abortion Syndrome

2 wrongs don't make a right


Simply put, there are consequences for our actions. That should be the first step in self-awareness and morality--long before we categorize and label reality with political or religious faith beliefs.


New member
how dishonest

our laws are all based on those first documents of our history

written when our government was being formed


Not dishonest. Shag's statement was factual. Our laws are not based on the Declaration. They derive their authority from the Constitution, which explicitly derives its authority from the people.


New member
Not dishonest. Shag's statement was factual. Our laws are not based on the Declaration. They derive their authority from the Constitution, which explicitly derives its authority from the people.


and u might want to consider that just b/c someone momentarily forgets the Declaration is not part of the Constitution (except in her mind)

doesn't mean she is a clueless moron who has never studied US history (meanng you can just say any old thing to her or anyone.. and get a pass..)



New member

and u might want to consider that just b/c someone momentarily forgets the Declaration is not part of the Constitution (except in her mind)

doesn't mean she is a clueless moron who has never studied US history (meanng you can just say any old thing...)


Hey, I didn't call you a clueless moron. I did suggest you brush up on the history, yes, but that's because the Declaration isn't part of US law.


Hey, I didn't call you a clueless moron. I did suggest you brush up on the history, yes, but that's because the Declaration isn't part of US law.
