Marriage Equality: The End of Christendom


New member
Exactly, men and women are different both sexually and psychologically. Having different roles does not mean or imply inequality!

Right. Paul taught that a wife is subject to her husband as unto the Lord.

The husband is to be the epitome of the Lord in word and deed.


New member
Marriage Equality will soon become law in Australia. This change will signify that Australia, like any country having marriage equality, is definitely not a Christian country. Overturning the foundational teaching about marriage (Gen Ch 1-2) shows just how far our society has deserted biblical teaching. Its not the number of Churches, or churchgoers that make any country Christian. Today the Christian faith, once for all delivered to the saints, is being attacked and ignored by Churches and its officials.
You say it like it's a bad thing.

The future looks dark and hopeless without the Christian faith.
And yet, as christianity dies, it turns out that there has never been a better time to live as a human.



Well-known member
Marriage Equality will soon become law in Australia. This change will signify that Australia, like any country having marriage equality, is definitely not a Christian country. Overturning the foundational teaching about marriage (Gen Ch 1-2) shows just how far our society has deserted biblical teaching. Its not the number of Churches, or churchgoers that make any country Christian. Today the Christian faith, once for all delivered to the saints, is being attacked and ignored by Churches and its officials. The future looks dark and hopeless without the Christian faith.

This is the circular reasoning (nothing new under the sun) that follows man absorbed in this worlds kingdoms that come/born/past and go/die/future like those concerned about it, The eternal kingdom that the Spirit teaches about is at hand now! and isn't of this worlds time cons-trained duality that the mind thinks is the kingdom when it never has been. Luke 17:20-21 being the ignored stepchild in your time concerned (christian time bandits) kingdom of some future illusion that never defeats time, you just try to steal a few more ticks of observations deceptions. Legal marriage by the state is a spiritual conundrum to say the least just like this temporal worlds time children who live and die unable to perceive Galatians 4:1, Galatians 4:24, 2Cor 3:6, etc... or what real marriage is in Christ kingdom which makes everyone ONE seeing male nor female exist in the eternal mind of Christ.


New member
All these marriage equality threads miss the point. Marriage equality only affects civil weddings, the sorry that Christianity should proscribe their love lives.

Christians can continue to turn away same sex couples as they always have of that is what they want. There have always been non-religious marriages and it is not for Christians to sequester that part of the lives of non-Christians. Church marriages are not affected in any way. Relax.