America has never been great. From its inception there has been corruption and greed. God has used Christians who dwell in the US to assist others and thus even corrupt America has been blessed by it, but America has never been great. It has always been corrupt. This is the nature of man.
must make the dems nervous about whether they can count on the black vote if trump can do in a year and a half what bammy couldn't in eight :chuckle:
The economy is progressing despite Trump's meddling, not because of it!I’m so joyful about the Putin conspiracy and collusion that took place. I hired another employee yesterday and that makes 7 new hires this year. Everything going according to plan comrades.
The economy is progressing despite Trump's meddling, not because of it!
Canada is America's largest trading partner, and the President, in his infinite wisdom, has pulled the plug on NAFTA claiming that the Canadians with whom we share 5250 miles of largely unguarded border are a "security risk!"