A group of well-known virologists, microbiologists, and related scientists have published a call to stop using PCR testing as it was OKed in Germany, first nation world wide to do so, through a corrupt process without any peer review. In their call to stop using the PCR test they list 10 fatal errors in using it.
This first link explains the background and the political side of things.
This link takes you to the document the scientists are using to demonstrate all the errors in PCR testing. Some of these fatal errors have been posted here already, but this is the first time I have seen all the errors in one document or the scientific reasoning behind all 10 fatal errors.
This first link explains the background and the political side of things.
Coronavirus Scandal Breaking in Merkel’s Germany
The widely-praised German model of the Angela Merkel regime to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic is now engulfed in a series of potentially devastating scandals going to the very heart of the testing and medical advice being used to declare draconian economic shutdowns and next, de facto mandatory...
This link takes you to the document the scientists are using to demonstrate all the errors in PCR testing. Some of these fatal errors have been posted here already, but this is the first time I have seen all the errors in one document or the scientific reasoning behind all 10 fatal errors.
Review report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020
This extensive review report has been officially submitted to Eurosurveillance editorial board on 27th November 2020 via their submission-portal, enclosed to this review report is a retraction request letter, signed by all the main & co-authors. First and last listed names are the first and...