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The lovely legacy of the Supreme Court: Dred Scott.. Roe v Wade
Yes, the Sup Ct has done fabulously throughout our history, haven't they?
- Dred Scott decision said slaves have no rights, they are not citizens, can be treated like property by their "owners"
- Roe v Wade says you can kill your children
- (and on top of that.. today, the murderers can make huge profits from the body parts. True, they haven't ruled on that--that I know of--but...consequences..)
- Now they (5 of them) tell us that perversion is acceptable and the definition of marriage, held for centuries and centuries heretofore by every society on earth... is null and void...
- and you HAVE to accept gays getting married or you will lose your job (consequence of stupid ruling)
[This is not to say that the last 2 items listed here are in the exact same category morally as the others... But the point is, as Huckabee and others call it... we have a problem: "judicial tyranny."]