
New member
I wrote this in a fit of anger a couple of years ago...

Everything has a name
every creature
every colour, every tone
every note, every tune
every galaxy, every asteroid
Known stars are named
or numbered
Our body parts
are named.
Everything man
has invented is named.
Mankind has
named his theories
Our fears are named
Our emotions are
separated by name
Tree's are identified
by name
As is herbage
and grass.
Our creator
revealed His name
but that Name has
been forgotten
and ignored
for so long
it has fallen
from memory and use
it has been replaced by


New member
"And Elohim said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, Yah Veh Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."​

Yah Veh was changed by the English translators to Lord, but Lord does not convey what Yah Veh does.

Yah means Eternal Veh means Existent One. The Eternal Existent One.


New member
Elohim becomes God

I researched the origin of the word God and came to a dead end. I left off for a couple of years, but when looking at Luther’s translation I found the word Gott.
I realized that if God were a transliteration of Gott I had my next step. It is.

Tyndale was inspired by Luther and it seems that Tyndale went down the same route of the non-transliteration of the names and titles of Deity.

Gott is a worshipful term that Northern Germanic tribes used to call idols. It finds its root in two other words “gut” being one and the other cannot be typed in English.

To Name the Eternal after an idol is a heresy as well as a blasphemy.

Hallowed be Thy Name.

El= Almighty
Elohim= Almighty

In the beginning Elohim.

The manifestation of what His name conveys was displayed in the creation. Only an Almighty and Powerful Creator could undertake this work. The interpretive proof of His Name was in His work of creation and is in His providential sustaining of all He creates.

When I hear, which is hardly ever, or read Elohim my mind is enlightened by the knowledge of His power and His might. I see Elohim in everything, working everything and working in me to overthrow my rebellions.

Knowing I serve the Almighty gives a comfort that words can’t explain. I commend Him to all and His salvation.

A few years ago I had my study of the Names and Titles confirmed. There are a few signposts in scripture, but and there is also a sign post outside a village about 35 miles away.
The village is called Peniel and one day I saw the name in a new light. If the translators of scripture had been true then they would have translated this as Penigod. Because in the scriptures they had torn out the title El and replaced it with God., but not in PENI’EL.

Peniel 6439 Gen 32:30 And Yaaqov (Jacob) called the place Peni’ EL : Face of El


New member
I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word.
John 17:6kjv

Messiah manifested the Father's Name then and He does so today as He has done throughout history.

I was researching this a while ago and discovered the existence of an ancient Welsh book called the Black Book of Carmarthenshire (Llyfr Du Caerfyrddin) There were some ecclesiastical poems therein and one of them had the term Elohim. Preserved and maintained through the ages for discovery to the saints.

patrick jane

I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word. John 17:6kjv

Messiah manifested the Father's Name then and He does so today as He has done throughout history.

I was researching this a while ago and discovered the existence of an ancient Welsh book called the Black Book of Carmarthenshire (Llyfr Du Caerfyrddin) There were some ecclesiastical poems therein and one of them had the term Elohim. Preserved and maintained through the ages for discovery to the saints.
Where is Carmarthesnshire exactly?

patrick jane

I wrote this in a fit of anger a couple of years ago...

Everything has a name
every creature
every colour, every tone
every note, every tune
every galaxy, every asteroid
Known stars are named
or numbered
Our body parts
are named.
Everything man
has invented is named.
Mankind has
named his theories
Our fears are named
Our emotions are
separated by name
Tree's are identified
by name
As is herbage
and grass.
Our creator
revealed His name
but that Name has
been forgotten
and ignored
for so long
it has fallen
from memory and use
it has been replaced by
You had a fit? :chuckle:


New member


Yah Shua becomes Jesus.

The term is Yah Shua and not Yeh Shua. Yah means eternal and was the Name given to Moses.

On the road between Carmarthen and Newcastle Emlyn the is an old quarry and by the side of the main road there is a exposed rock face. I used to pass this quarry every Monday morning for a year back in 1979/80. High on the rock face someone had painted a big red letters, ‘’Jesus saves’’ you couldn’t miss it.
I used to wonder about that sign and for some reason I thought there was something not right about it. This was 21 years before my conversion.

After my conversion I found myself on the same road and saw the words ‘’Jesus Saves’’ again. Someone had been keeping the paintwork fresh. I again had this feeling that something was wrong with this message.

When I get these feelings I don’t ignore them and so did an exegeses on the two words. Jesus and saves.

The term Jesus did not appear anywhere in the scriptures. The term Yah Shua did.

Its first appearance was in the OT, but had been translated as Joshua, close, but not accurate. Now for some time a verse in the NT had been giving me some grief. Namely Hebrews 4:8 the author is speaking of Joshua, but uses the term Jesus.
A man told me how annoyed he was about this and he wished the translators had not done this and so on and so forth. He was not a man who had an understanding of the Sovereign control the Eternal has in and on all matters. I saw this seemingly gross error as a signpost and so went in the direction it was pointing.

Yah = Eternal
Shua = Salvation or Saviour.

Yah Veh being the given Name that Moses received.

So the awaited promise of salvation was given the Name Saviour, Shua and the Name Yah to prove His anointed heritage, Yah Shua. Eternal Salvation.

When the angel appeared to Joseph he said, ‘’And she shall birth a son, and thou shalt call his name Yah Shua: for he shall save his people from their sins’’.
The Eternal Saviour was named after His anointed office. To save eternally that which was lost. Halalu Yah and amen.

In translation the target word must convey what the original means and conveys. No other name given amongst men can save and no revelation of the promise had been given to any other nation. The word did not exist anywhere else in the world except in Hebrew and that is Yah Shua.

So the sign I saw did have something wrong with it. Because if the name Jesus was a translation (same meaning) as Yah Shua then the ‘’saves’’ was superfluous .

Yah Shua stands as the eternal name and office of Messiah and stands without any help. It means what it say’s and say’s what it means and it also fulfills the evangelism (promise), ''those that call upon the name of Yah Shua shall be saved''.

Bearing in mind: Acts 4:12 ‘’Neither is there salvation (Shua) in any other: for there is not another name given by humanity whereby we must be saved’’

NO other name given by humanity. Jesus is a name given by humanity. And under who’s control does the majority of mankind lay under? The Prince of the Power of the air.

During the OT times the religious of the day came to a conclusion. That if the Almighty was Holy and His Name was Holy then because no man could live if he laid eyes on the Almighty. Then they had better not say His Name nor write His Name. There was one allowance and that was once a year. The Name was to be muttered by the priest in the Holy of Holies, but so quietly that no ear should hear His Name and perish.
Why? Because it pleased Yah Veh Elohim to hide from this people the only Name that could save them. If they couldn’t cry out to Him then He didn’t need to save them.
He has hidden His Name again. He moved the translators to change all the Names and Titles He had revealed. Judgment declares that that those who shall be saved will be given the Name to call upon for salvation.


New member
Again, the context reveals that this scripture is referring to Joshua, the son of Nun and not the Messiah. All other translations put "Joshua" here. Why then is it translated 'Jesus'? The answer lies in the Greek/Latin corruption of the Messiah's original Hebrew name. Originally, the name of the Messiah was , pronounced Yahushua. This is the Messiah's original name. When the Gentiles tried to transliterate His name into Greek, they came up with ιησουν€or "Iesous". But originally, this word was from #3091 in the Hebrew which is . When Iesous was transliterated into Latin, it became "Iesus", which was then carried over into English it became our modern day "Jesus" when the letter "J" developed.

Therefore, the reason the King James Version has "Jesus" in those two verses is because the Messiah's name is actually the same name as Joshua, Son of Nun... correctly pronounced "Yahushua". It is quite evident that the modern form "Jesus" doesn't even remotely resemble the original name that the disciples were praying in, baptizing in and receiving so much criticism for preaching. (I found this in my notes. It is not my work)

Hebrews 4:8 KJV


New member
Again, the context reveals that this scripture is referring to Joshua, the son of Nun and not the Messiah. All other translations put "Joshua" here. Why then is it translated 'Jesus'? The answer lies in the Greek/Latin corruption of the Messiah's original Hebrew name. Originally, the name of the Messiah was , pronounced Yahushua. This is the Messiah's original name. When the Gentiles tried to transliterate His name into Greek, they came up with ιησουν€or "Iesous". But originally, this word was from #3091 in the Hebrew which is . When Iesous was transliterated into Latin, it became "Iesus", which was then carried over into English it became our modern day "Jesus" when the letter "J" developed.

Therefore, the reason the King James Version has "Jesus" in those two verses is because the Messiah's name is actually the same name as Joshua, Son of Nun... correctly pronounced "Yahushua". It is quite evident that the modern form "Jesus" doesn't even remotely resemble the original name that the disciples were praying in, baptizing in and receiving so much criticism for preaching. (I found this in my notes. It is not my work)

Hebrews 4:8 KJV

His name is Jesus and you're not saying it right!