ECT Looking Closer At the Language of II Thessalonians 2: 10-12, The Strong Delusion


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Looking Closer At the Language of II Thessalonians 2: 10-12, The Strong Delusion

"And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12.That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." II Thessalonians 2: 10-12 KJV

10 And in all deceivableness of unrighteousness, among them that perish,
because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And therefore God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe lies, 12 That all they might be damned which believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. " II Thessalonians 2: 10-12 in the Geneva Bible.

"and in all deceivableness of unrighteousness, among them that perish: because they received not the love of the truth, that they might have been saved.
2:11 And therefore God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe lies: 2:12 that all they might be damned which believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. " Tyndale Bible

Why are the Greek words "energeian planes" translated as strong delusion in the Tyndale Bible, Geneva Bible and in the King James Version?

The New Revised Standard has "powerful delusion" and the New American Standard has "a deluding influence." But the New King James has "strong delusion." The New International Version has "powerful delusion." The American Standard Version has "a working of error," which avoids the use of the term delusion.

The American Standard Version follows the George Ricker Berry Greek-English Interlinear and has "a working of error."

Another question is why was the Greek word planes translated as delusion?

Strong's says that number 4106, plane, feminine of 4108, as abstract, fraudulence, straying from orthodoxy or piety - deceit, to deceive, delusion, error."

Strong's number 4108, planos, is said to mean "...a tramp, by implication an impostor, or misleader, deceiver, seducing."

Plane, or planes, πλανης, is an interesting Greek word, because theologies which men, leaning to their own understanding, have made up - and which do not agree with scripture, or certain scriptures - are taught in a deceptive way. And we have been living in an age of deception for a number of decades.

In Matthew 24 the word planao, translated as deceive, is used three times, in verses 4, 5, and 24.

The definition of planos interesting. An impostor, deceiver. A false prophet is an imposter, claiming to be a man of God, when he is a deceiver, not a man of God at all, but leading those he deceives away from the truth of Christ, who is himself the way, the truth, and the life, in John 14: 6.

II Thessalonians 2: 11, "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie."

What cause? The cause is seen in II Thessalonians 2: 10, "because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved."

Because they did not receive the love of the truth, therefore God gives them over to a strong delusion.

It was William Tyndale in about 1522 who began using strong delusion for energeian planes. The words coming before energeian planes - "and because of this God will send to them" - indicates that God is the active agent or cause of this energeian planes. God gives the people who do not receive a love of this truth over to energeian planes. Tyndale was trying to communicate the doctrine in English that Paul wrote in Greek as well as he could do so. He communicated it in strong language.

The Geneva Bible translators - William Whittingham, Myles Coverdale, Christopher Goodman, Anthony Gilby, Thomas Sampson, and William Cole - followed Tyndale's strong words for II Thessalonians 2: 11. These English protestant scholars had left England for Geneva, Switzerland to create their Geneva Bible. England at that time was ruled by Catholic Queen Mary. In Geneva these English protestants were under some influence from Calvinist Theodore Beza.

A great deal of the English in the King James Version came out of the two earlier English translations, both using the Textus Receptus for the New Testament. The spiritually powerful words of the King James owe a great deal to William Tyndale, who was martyred for making his English translation.

There is a very important doctrine in II Thessalonians 2: 10-12, saying that those who do not receive a love of the truth are not saved, and that for this reason God sends them energeian planes, strong delusion in the Tyndale, Geneva and King James. The doctrine must be communicated in clear and strong words.

The followers of John Darby and C.I. Scofield say that the strong delusion, as well as the falling away of verses 3-4 do not happen until after their Capital C Church is raptured off the earth. And so for these people the strong delusion is not happening now, since it is future.

In the apostasy of II Thessalonians 2: 3-4, translated as the falling away, the ekklesia breaks away from the absolute authority and absolute truth of God, into apostasy, quarreling against that absolute word of God and with those who proclaim it. The "man of sin" represents the transgressors who are come to the full (Daniel 8: 23). When that begins to happen, then it is the period of the falling away. It is the period of the leavening of the kingdom of God in Luke 13: 18-21 "till the whole was leavened," meaning the leavening goes on for a period of time.


TOL Subscriber
I am convinced Dispensationalism is a strong delusion sent from God, upon the visible churches of our day.


Well-known member
It is a delusion but the Thess passages were so current about their situation that there was even a misunderstanding that it had already happened. Paul said the power is at work already, like John did about the spirit of antichrist, but that the Wicked Guy was not quite yet out there, but expected soon. The guy from Daniel 8-9.

You might call D'ism an echo.


Well-known member
II Thessalonians 2: 10-12, The Strong Delusion

"And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12.That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

HE sends them charismatic preachers of idolatry for false gods and ideas...a perfect match for Romans 1, they love their sins more than they love the truth....