Linda Lingle Allowed Back on Bus

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Linda Lingle Allowed Back on Bus

This is the show from Friday September 4th, 2009.


* $9,745 of $40,000 Telethon Goal: Please pray and please help and please call 1-800-8Enyart!

* Hawaii's Republican Pro-Abortion Governor: The Honolulu Student Council (aka the city council) failed to pass a law barring stinking people from riding the city bus. Mass transit emissions concerns aside, Linda Lingle is the National Right To Life endorsed pro-abortion politician who held a fund raiser for Planned Parenthood immediately after winning the governor's office. The radically pro-homosexual, pro-abortion liberal has since gutted like a fish the remaining pro-lifers in the Hawaiian legislature for as Jesus said, "You shall know them by their fruit." At any rate, Bob and Doug were digressing from the topic: It's now official: anyone, even the governor, even if they stink to high heaven, can ride the bus.

* Stray Bullet Murders College Student: Huh. One would think a person murdered the student, but it turns out reportedly that a young woman was "killed by a stray bullet" as "she walked on campus with friends." In the media's effort to dilute blame, they might as well have stated that she was killed by a walk with friends on campus. The Associated Press headline reads: Stray bullet kills college student. Whether the actor was the bullet only, or the gun itself has not been clarified. The AP story adds, "one of the friends in the group saw the gun and warned [the victim] to get on the ground." So, was the bullet working alone? Or was the gun a co-conspirator? Developing…

* Philadelphia Court Shootings: basketball that is… "A shooting during a pickup basketball game at a Philadelphia recreation center has left a 23-year-old man dead." A shooting killed a guy. Huh. Why doesn't the media just go ahead and say, "A basketball game left a 23-year-old man dead." Then there would be no doubt that absolutely no one is to blame. And this just in after today's program: show co-host Doug McBurney mentioned that outdoor basketball courts recently built in his neighborhood were closed down shortly afterwards because of their criminal patrons. Huh. Perhaps magnetite in the hoop attracts the criminal element.

* Please Help With Our KGOV Telethon! The greatest way to help keep BEL broadcasting online and reaching more people is to sign up to automatically give monthly, or sign up for a monthly BEL DVD subscription service, a monthly Bible Study album or Bob's Sermons subscription. If you subscribe or give monthly, we multiply the amount you give times ten toward the telethon goal! (So a $24.99 subscription or automatic monthly donation brings $250 toward our $40,000 telethon goal!) Also of course, you can call 1-800-8Enyart for any subscription or to make a one-time donation or to purchase of a BEL Resource (or just click those links)! And remember, BEL materials come with our money back guarantee!

* Sand Dune Drilling Blocked Despite Enyart Fact-Finding Trip: Just two weeks after Bob Enyart and his son Zachary went on a fact-finding weekend camping trip to the Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado, a dirt-worshipping federal judge indefinitely blocked nearby oil and gas drilling. Bob's son Zachary surveyed the land in question and was asked by his father: "What would those nearly endangered prairie dogs think if Lexam Energy Exploration began drilling for oil and gas?" To which Zachary answered, "Nothing… they would think nothing."

* Transsexual Killer Wins Life in Women's Jail: A homosexual murderer and rapist won the power ball lottery, so to speak. Now, it's Ladies Night, every night, for this 25-year-old homosexual who has won a legal battle to serve its life sentence in a woman's prison.

* Colorado RTL Sept. 26th Banquet! Please mark your calendar right now for Saturday, September 26, at 6:30 p.m. and make your reservation by calling Donna at 303-753-9394 (or to just get on their vital mailing list)! Do you know who Lila Rose is? You'll HAVE TO come out to see her! You'll have a tremendous time, and you'll be a great blessing!

* Homosexual Birth Certificate: The transsexual's attorney argued that her client's birth certificate has been changed to indicate that he was born a woman. Okay. Two points: First, why can't we see Barack Obama's birth certificate if even an imprisoned homosexual murdered can produce his birth certificate? Secondly, this is just another clerical error.

* Two Teens Killed in 2 a.m. Home Break-In: the three people at home at the time were uninjured. By this report, the homeowner who killed these criminals was justified. The scripture that addresses this circumstance is in Exodus chapter 22. Those interested in learning more about the factors that justify killing illegal intruders should consider the American Right To Life Vigilante Worksheet, especially Question 24.

* Help Colorado RTL Get Signatures: If you live in Colorado, could you help circulate the Personhood Colorado & CRTL 2010 petition? We need your help! If you live in any other state, can you help to advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways?

Today’s Resource: You can learn more by browsing the KGOV Store's Department of Government which includes Bob's classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar on CD and you can read Bob's article (Google 1 of 2.1M for: God death penalty) or watch his DVD on God and the Death Penalty: NT Support for Capital Punishment!


New member
Why are the terms homosexual and transsexual used interchangably? They have very different meanings and implications.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Tyrathca and lightbringer: agreed... and?

Tyrathca and lightbringer: agreed... and?

Why are the terms homosexual and transsexual used interchangably? They have very different meanings and implications.

Christians don't understand that.

Of course they have different meanings. That said, why do you think there is an error in the show summary? What's wrong? We went back and checked. Looks correct to us.

Thanks Tyrathca and lightbringer!

-Bob Enyart

p.s. Hey guys (?), today we aired quite a show about a non-transsexual news director Mike Courington from Fayetteville Arkansas' Hearst Corp's CW network affiliate 40/29 TV KHBS/KHOG's (whew!) homosexual employee who was criminally charged for making an unwanted sexual advance by committing a sex act in public in front of an audience.
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