Life's Got A Whole Lot More Challenging Lately - I

Well to begin with, my wife has been sick for some time with an undiagnosed disease of some sort. It's not depression and it's not psychosomatic. The latest tests she's had raise the posibility she may have MS. At this time, we just don't know.

The IRS is hounding us for money they say we owe them from 2011 but don't. The money was mistaken reported by our healthcare provider at the time. Don't know how this is going to go but they're holding up our tax refund, federal and state.

My health has suddenly taken a turn in the wrong direction. While I can still work, I am not sure what God's plan for us in the future is, if I have a future. Before any of this came up, I told my wife something I have felt for a long time. While I believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture (rare for Calvinists), I do not believe I will see it. Now with my health being what it is, it seems like the Holy Spirit was preparing me all along. I don't fear death, but I hate leaving so much undone. It's in God's hands.

The final prognosis isn't in yet, but it appears like I may have cancer on one kidney, and I may have hardening of the arteries in my heart. I am a high-risk for a heart attack. I see the cardiologist on Monday. Surgery seems likely in my future, probably more than one.

Meanwhile, I'm thinking about how will my wife handle this. She wants us to be buried together in Illinois near her family. That's fine by me because I love her family. What next? I need to make out a will. I probably should get rid of some of my computers and sell off some of my guns.

My faith and my relationship with God has never been stronger. His will is my will, let it be so. I don't feel much like posting or engaging in theological discussions. Maybe I will later.