LifeNews Confused on Embyronic Research
This is the show from Monday October 18th, 2010.
* National RTL Outlet Opposes ESCR Because: Steve Ertelt, editor of the National Right To Life affiliated, published an entire article on embryonic stem cell research without once explaining that the practice kills children. Instead, Ertelt reports, "pro-life advocates say human embryonic stem cells are not ready for trial because problems associated with the cells in animals haven't been solved." Ertelt includes not a single quote, word, or argument about morality, the life of the child, the God-given right to life, nothing. Only that Dr. David Prentice, a former biology professor at Indiana State University who is now a fellow at the Family Research Council, tells, "it is not proven even in rats. The concern for many of us is that [ESCR] is endangering patient's health..."
* What's In The News, and Who Should Lose: Bob discusses:
- Headlines
- Candidates who claim to be pro-life but who confirm "pro-choice" judges who kill countless kids, and
- Ken bucks pro-lifers.
* Join a Weekly Literature Drop for Colorado's Personhood Amendment 62! with Bob Enyart or arrange a weekly lit drop in your own town! See the details!
Today’s Resource: You can enjoy one or two of Bob Enyart entertaining and insightful videos each month, mailed to you automatically, simply by subscribing to the BEL Monthly Topical Videos service! Also, you can check out the other great BEL subscription services!
This is the show from Monday October 18th, 2010.
* National RTL Outlet Opposes ESCR Because: Steve Ertelt, editor of the National Right To Life affiliated, published an entire article on embryonic stem cell research without once explaining that the practice kills children. Instead, Ertelt reports, "pro-life advocates say human embryonic stem cells are not ready for trial because problems associated with the cells in animals haven't been solved." Ertelt includes not a single quote, word, or argument about morality, the life of the child, the God-given right to life, nothing. Only that Dr. David Prentice, a former biology professor at Indiana State University who is now a fellow at the Family Research Council, tells, "it is not proven even in rats. The concern for many of us is that [ESCR] is endangering patient's health..."
* What's In The News, and Who Should Lose: Bob discusses:
- Headlines
- Candidates who claim to be pro-life but who confirm "pro-choice" judges who kill countless kids, and
- Ken bucks pro-lifers.
* Join a Weekly Literature Drop for Colorado's Personhood Amendment 62! with Bob Enyart or arrange a weekly lit drop in your own town! See the details!
Today’s Resource: You can enjoy one or two of Bob Enyart entertaining and insightful videos each month, mailed to you automatically, simply by subscribing to the BEL Monthly Topical Videos service! Also, you can check out the other great BEL subscription services!