Lies In The Bible - For Good

patrick jane

I'm looking for stories in the Bible where somebody tells a lie for good, like Rahab and the lie told about killing the newborn Jewish boys. Are there other stories (even one) where somebody lies for God or for good?

patrick jane

Abraham lied to Pharaoh about Sarah being his wife and said she was his sister, which I think she was a half sister. A lie for good? Can anyone find another example in the Bible of a "good" lie or a "white lie" for the good of others?


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One interesting case is that Jacob (along with his mother) lied and deceived his father, Issac, and received the blessing Issac meant for Esau. (Genesis 27)


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Laban (Jacob's father-in-law) lies to Jacob, and sends in the wrong daughter(Leah instead of Rachel) to Jacob on their wedding night. (Genesis 29)

patrick jane

Laban (Jacob's father-in-law) lies to Jacob, and sends in the wrong daughter(Leah instead of Rachel) to Jacob on their wedding night. (Genesis 29)
Thanks Tam
Was that for the good of someone? The good of Rachel? For the beginning of the 12 tribes?

patrick jane

Laban (Jacob's father-in-law) lies to Jacob, and sends in the wrong daughter(Leah instead of Rachel) to Jacob on their wedding night. (Genesis 29)
Thanks again, I read Genesis 29. My uncle is a pastor and he is doing a sermon on lying and is looking for "good lies" - LOL

It seems Laban lied because of the custom of giving his oldest daughter first, but it still worked out for God and for good, IMO


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Thanks Tam
Was that for the good of someone? The good of Rachel? For the beginning of the 12 tribes?

Jacob gets Laban back though (again through deceptive means) by using a concoction to feed the livestock so they would be born spotted. (end part of Genesis 30)
(Laban had promised to give Jacob all livestock that was spotted, for his wages.)

Jacob was a sneaky little tootie-pootie.

patrick jane


Jacob gets Laban back though (again through deceptive means) by using a concoction to feed the livestock so they would be born spotted. (end part of Genesis 30)
(Laban had promised to give Jacob all livestock that was spotted, for his wages.)

Jacob was a sneaky little tootie-pootie.



(Notice the similarity between the title they wanted to ascribe to Jim Jones, and "Pau Nay Loron", one of a few titles Nostradamus gave to the Antichrist? Naturally these are references to a single individual, "Nguyen Van Lem 1968" is our first reference, "Jim Jones 1978" is not our second perhaps another person is connected to euthanasia as a result of a mysterious sign, finally "Molech or MABUS" is the resurrection of the Antichrist, that is used to gather the remnant we are not close that stage at the moment ............... lets view the material from a different context)

PAU NAY LORON = Abraham tricks Pharaoh about Divorce, Gen. 12:13 (Invalid)
HIƒTER = David tricks Uriah the Hittite about Divorce, 1 Kings 15:5 (Invalid)
MABUS = Jesus tricks Moses about Divorce, Matt. 19:8 (Valid)

144,000 of Reuben (Abraham to David) (Invalid)
144,000 of Benjamin (David to Babylon) (Invalid)
144,000 of Joseph (Babylon to Christ) (Valid)

144,000 of Reuben (God is not Judged) (Invalid)
144,000 of Benjamin (Angels are not Judged) (Invalid)
144,000 of Joseph (Satan is Judged Only) (Valid)

(1 Chronicles 5:1, Matthew 1:17, Psalm 68:17)

No one is going to Heaven that hasn't already been there. The Gospel's Program only has an active judgement for Satan, the Gospel's Program is of no effect for God or any Angel. (Suicide by Antichrist, or Suicide by the Sons of Man, is a mechanism God allows to convict satan of sin, but sometimes that activity is limited to complete a process of discernment).

I CHRONICLES 21:12 Either three years' famine; or three months to be destroyed before thy foes, while that the sword of thine enemies overtaketh [thee]; or else three days the sword of the LORD, even the pestilence, in the land, and the angel of the LORD destroying throughout all the coasts of Israel. Now therefore advise thyself what word I shall bring again to him that sent me.
I CHRONICLES 21:13 And David said unto Gad, I am in a great strait: let me fall now into the hand of the LORD; for very great [are] his mercies: but let me not fall into the hand of man.
I CHRONICLES 21:14 So the LORD sent pestilence upon Israel: and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men.

144,000 of Reuben = 70 Generations of Luke (Invalid)
144,000 of Benjamin = 42 Generations of Matthew (Invalid)
144,000 of Joseph = 112 or 12,000 of Revelation (Validates Sign of Divorce)

Joseph does not equal 112/12,000 or the 144,000 of Reuben and Benjamin until the Events of Revelation which reveals the Lord's Body/Sign of Divorce. Only when Joseph is Accounted with the Tribes in Revelation, do we see Joseph and a unified value for the Lord's Body or Tribes of 12,000.................When Jesus told the Hebrews that the Divorce of Moses was not so since the Beginning, that was a lie, because they were guilty of sin. God revealed to Moses that the TWENTY TRIBES of Genesis 5 and 11, were infact the TWO SETS OF TEN COMMANDMENTS that were a Bill of Divorce, only the Bill of Divorce is not valid until God allows Joseph to Reign for 5 Months, to the completion of the Gospel's Program. (God gave Joshua 10 Commandments, it was a complete set, God did not allow Moses to have two complete sets because, the Gospel's Program is not Completed, which begins with the Events of the Revelation)..................Jesus told a "White Lie", that means the information was not incorrect, the Divorce of Moses meant nothing until the Events of Revelation begin and are Completed ............ So Jesus did not tell a Lie, but Jesus did not give a complete statement so it is a "White Lie".

No Legal Right to a Sign of Divorce, No Legal Right to a Discernment of the Sign of Divorce for the Limited Geographic Area of Philadelphia] (Postulation//Guesstimation)

144,000 of Reuben = Genetic Dan Resolved with 1st Resurrection of Antichrist
144,000 of Benjamin = Aaron Resolved with 2nd Resurrection of Antichrist
144,000 of Joseph = Judah Resolved with 3rd Resurrection of Antichrist

144,000 of Reuben = 70 Years = Nguyen Van Lem 34 years + (Jim Jones?) 34 Years from 2016 = 68 Years (2 Year Difference)
144,000 of Benjamin = 42 Months (beginning with Flight 370?)
144,000 of Joseph = 70 Year completed

March 2014 to September 2018 = About 42 Months
September 2016 to September 2018 = 2 Years

( ............... No Legal Right to a Sign of Divorce, that means you will suffer in pain for 2 more years before most of life on earth dies, and if enough force is used against the Antichrist, then God will euthanize billions to complete the law, so you will suffer a little more and then you will die.................You can make me suffer with adversity, I suggest using homelessness or imprisonment, you are simply unimportant, as your lives come to a close, I want to keep you on the attack...............however we need to see what happens on 9/11/2016 the Anniversary of the Falling Man, since we are still too early, even a few hours away) (As I've stated to quite a few government agencies in 2014, enjoy the pleasure of causing me suffering and pain until euthanasia takes place, nothing to be ashamed of, that is simply your position at this level) (or perhaps just the stimulation of my mouth and rectum will have to do for 2 more years, or maybe you want more?).
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patrick jane


(Notice the similarity between the title they wanted to ascribe to Jim Jones, and "Pau Nay Loron", one of a few titles Nostradamus gave to the Antichrist? Naturally these are references to a single individual, "Nguyen Van Lem 1968" is our first reference, "Jim Jones 1978" is not our second perhaps another person is connected to euthanasia as a result of a mysterious sign, finally "Molech or MABUS" is the resurrection of the Antichrist, that is used to gather the remnant we are not close that stage at the moment ............... lets view the material from a different context)

PAU NAY LORON = Abraham tricks Pharaoh about Divorce, Gen. 12:13 (Invalid)
HIƒTER = David tricks Uriah the Hittite about Divorce, 1 Kings 15:5 (Invalid)
MABUS = Jesus tricks Moses about Divorce, Matt. 19:8 (Valid)

144,000 of Reuben (Abraham to David) (Invalid)
144,000 of Benjamin (David to Babylon) (Invalid)
144,000 of Joseph (Babylon to Christ) (Valid)

Jesus doesn't "trick" people


Jesus doesn't "trick" people

(When God took Jesus up a high mountain and then showed him the kingdoms of the earth, and then killed him. God paid the price of crucifixion, so the crucifixion was unnecessary. Now Jesus does not "trick" people, but Jesus will drive out the evil spirits.................God apparently only allows the Antichrist 70 Years to resolve these war tribes before the 5 months of revelation.................No Sign of Divorce, I'm gona make a guess and says this is possible, even though we are not officially past 9/11/2016 EST, according to the Falling Man of 9/11's Timetable. No Sign of Divorce, Nothing, just 2 more years of causing me suffering and pain, which I am pleased to have done that complete's 70 years and then global euthanasia................we'll have to talk more in a few days, about what's necessary and resolved, or maybe not, too early to tell for sure)