Libs in Bowl, Bush Takes Bulbs

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Libs in Bowl, Bush Takes Bulbs

This is the show from Thursday July 21st, 2011.


* News Headlines on BEL:
- It was Bush who signed the Light Bulb Confiscation Act (or whatever it's called). So let's make sure to be mad at the right person.
- Barack hugs Arab nations, get's stung in return, and the most favorite leader among Egyptians is... Osama!
- Family of "brain dead" woman in Quebec refuse hospital's offer to cut her up and give away her organs, and good thing, because mom then woke up, sat up, began talking, and now is eating and walking around. The story reminds Bob of two things: 1) don't trust "brain dead" assessments, and 2) of the Russian woman last month who woke up in a coffin at her own funeral, realized what was going on, and died of a heart attack.

Today’s Resource: Get the Spike Psarris DVD What You Aren't Being Told About Astronomy! Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out especially Walt Brown’s In the Beginning and Bob’s interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! You’ll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez’ Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media’s Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)! You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart’s Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's debate about Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott; and the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins! And Bob strongly recommends that you subscribe to CMI’s tremendous Creation magazine!

The Barbarian

I see a business opportunity here...

"No, Mr. Regulator, I am not manufacturing and selling incandescent light bulbs. These are Easy-Bake Oven heating element replacement parts, and they are so labeled.

Yes, I suppose it is possible that some irresponsible consumers might take them and put them in light bulb sockets. Is that against the law?

Not yet, um? Well, if you don't mind, I've got to get back to work, there are a lot of those ovens out there, and they need heating elements."

Edit: I don't buy incandescent bulbs myself. They cost a fortune relative to the energy-saving kind, and the trouble of dropping the used ones off at a recycling point is miniscule compared to the frequent replacement of incandescent ones. But still...


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Super Moderator
Yeah, but try getting most righties of any stripe to say that while he was in power, even when it was palpably obvious...
We righties criticized Bush while he was in office all the time on this forum. Now, if we can just get some lefties of any stripe to find a single fault with their lord and savior Barack Obama...


New member
Hall of Fame
We righties criticized Bush while he was in office all the time on this forum. Now, if we can just get some lefties of any stripe to find a single fault with their lord and savior Barack Obama...

I don't remember threads denouncing the Iraq war, Afghani war, Gitmo, Patriot Act, illegal wiretaps, and the like appearing with any kind of regularity when Dubya was in office...

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
I don't remember threads denouncing the Iraq war, Afghani war, Gitmo,

Those were good things he did. Why would I denounce it? I applaud him for doing it.

Patriot Act, illegal wiretaps, and the like appearing with any kind of regularity when Dubya was in office...

Actaully, Clinton signed into law a bill ordering telecommunications to do it before the act. What do you have to hide anyway?


New member
Hall of Fame
There were a few right-wing libertarians who freely criticized Bush. But that was pretty much it.

I suppose. It's funny how so many people discovered the unconstitutionality of all of these matters the second Dubya left office. What timing for a right-wing evangelical epiphany!


Well-known member
I don't remember threads denouncing the Iraq war, Afghani war, Gitmo, Patriot Act, illegal wiretaps, and the like appearing with any kind of regularity when Dubya was in office...
I remember a lot of threads denouncing the Patriot Act and illegal wiretaps. Those other things are good things, so no denouncing there.


New member
Hall of Fame
I remember a lot of threads denouncing the Patriot Act and illegal wiretaps. Those other things are good things, so no denouncing there.

I'm not surprised you see little problem with illegal wars or torturing people. Nice goin'.

some other dude

New member
I'm not surprised you see little problem with illegal wars or torturing people. Nice goin'.

There were no illegal wars. (well, not until Bammy thumbed his nose at Congress with this Libya "action")

Nobody was tortured.

It's good to see that libs are still as stupid ten years later. :chuckle:
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