Liberal writes piece about the condemning of anti-gay marriage pundit


New member
This Op-Ed is written by a liberal and supporter of same sex marriage.

He is condemning the ostracizing of Ryan Anderson, an anti-same sex marriage conservative.

He is troubled by what he calls 'the cultural end-game of same sex marriage;'.

Excellent piece
:up: :thumb:

He has spoken well and aptly. Bravo to him.

The shunning of Ryan T. Anderson: When support for gay marriage gets ugly

[. . . ]One reason why is that many millions of people still hold contrary views. Another is that their arguments are not frivolous — and certainly not as frivolous as rationales that were once used to justify racial inequality. Arguments in favor of traditional marriage — rooted in claims about the natural sexual complementarity of men and women — are also far more deeply rooted in human civilization the world over, and Western civilization specifically, than arguments against miscegenation.

Anderson himself provides an accurate summary in a quote contained in the Post profile:

Every great thinker who has ever written about marriage, you never see a discussion of race… Whether it's Plato, Aristotle, or Cicero, whether it's the Jews, Christians, and Muslims, whether it's Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, Muhammad, Gandhi — none of them talk about skin color; each and every one of them talk about sexual complementarity. [The Washington Post]