Legalistic Logic


Gospel Message: Jesus died for the Sins of Humanity and He Loves you just like you are!!!!


Legalist: Jesus is Awesome!!!!!

Gospel Message: Now that your debt of Transgressions has been fully erased, you can share this message with others, for Jesus is to guide your heart now.

Legalist: Wow, he lives in my heart? How did his death forgive all of my sins?

Gospel Message: Have you ever heard of Moses?

Legalist: Who

Gospel Message: God used him to record standards of perfection.


Legalist: Wow!

Gospel Message: God is the only one that is Perfect and He gave Moses's followers a hidden prophesy of Jesus's work to come through Moses.

Legalist: That's Cool

Gospel Message: Yup. And Jesus came amongst us as Emmanuel. (God with us) And He fulfilled that Law and explained that only God could Save mankind. He took away the Debt of everyone's life debt of Sin so they could focus on Loving their fellow human being just as Jesus did.

Legalist: Yay. Baptize me so I can return this favor.

Gospel Message: Baptism symbolizes that you are now dead, and Jesus' life is in place of yours!

Legalist: Yay!


Legalist: Did you know Jesus died for you and Loves you?


Lost Sheep: No

Legalist: Yup. You can be like God!

Lost Sheep: What?

Legalist: God used this guy Moses to teach us how to be Perfect


Lost Sheep: What?

Legalist: Want to be saved and forgiven for all your Sins?

Lost Sheep: Yay

Legalist: Now I'll teach you how to be Perfect like God

Lost Sheep: But I'm a Sinner

Legalist: Now that you accept Jesus, you are given Supernatural Power to be Perfect in your flesh like Jesus was.


Lost Sheep: Ok


Legalist: Isn't it cool being better than everyone?

Legalist Lost Sheep: Yup

Legalist: Now we can Judge People

Legalist Lost Sheep: Sweet


Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


Where do you get your meds ? You need a refill

But seriously, what is your opinion on the post?

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."

Feral Phoenician

New member
If I'm following, you're saying that there are those who hear the Gospel and accept it. However, they have never changed inwardly (I believe Paul calls this "circumcision of the heart"), and when they go forth to proclaim the Gospel, they do so still in their old self, which has an air of superiority. The ones they have brought into the church have learned a "corrupted" Gospel message, and then on, and so on, and so on.

So, what you are saying, is it takes just one "milk dud Christian" (sweet on the outside, poison on the inside), to "infect" an entire generation of new Believers? Thereby, this "milk dud Christian" is actually a virus to the Church.

Am I anywhere near the mark?


If I'm following, you're saying that there are those who hear the Gospel and accept it. However, they have never changed inwardly (I believe Paul calls this "circumcision of the heart"), and when they go forth to proclaim the Gospel, they do so still in their old self, which has an air of superiority. The ones they have brought into the church have learned a "corrupted" Gospel message, and then on, and so on, and so on.

So, what you are saying, is it takes just one "milk dud Christian" (sweet on the outside, poison on the inside), to "infect" an entire generation of new Believers? Thereby, this "milk dud Christian" is actually a virus to the Church.

Am I anywhere near the mark?

I have never heard it put that way.

I am pleased with the way your words ad texture to this idea.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


New member
If I'm following, you're saying that there are those who hear the Gospel and accept it. However, they have never changed inwardly (I believe Paul calls this "circumcision of the heart"), and when they go forth to proclaim the Gospel, they do so still in their old self, which has an air of superiority. The ones they have brought into the church have learned a "corrupted" Gospel message, and then on, and so on, and so on.

So, what you are saying, is it takes just one "milk dud Christian" (sweet on the outside, poison on the inside), to "infect" an entire generation of new Believers? Thereby, this "milk dud Christian" is actually a virus to the Church.

Am I anywhere near the mark?

So since you are an instructor to the blind what is the true gospel that transforms us from within?

Feral Phoenician

New member
When we understand that the work of Christ on the cross is finished and complete there is nothing I can add to the equation. My Salvation is simply an acknowledgement of faith that I am a sinner and incapable of saving myself by anything I do.
So when Jesus, while on the cross, said "It is finished", He meant what you just said? "It's done, you can't do anything more"?

My experience with churches is largely limited (relegated to Charismatic/Pentecostal, I went with my ex wife), and they added the caveat of water baptism.


New member
So when Jesus, while on the cross, said "It is finished", He meant what you just said? "It's done, you can't do anything more"?

My experience with churches is largely limited (relegated to Charismatic/Pentecostal, I went with my ex wife), and they added the caveat of water baptism.

Yes, it's finished 2000 years ago before we were born or did anything good or bad. Water baptism is symbolic of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Feral Phoenician

New member
Yes, it's finished 2000 years ago before we were born or did anything good or bad. Water baptism is symbolic of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for taking the time to explain it to me. I do mean that.

My daughters are six years old (fraternal twins) and they are being raised in their mother's church (as we agreed on). I feel incredibly ignorant when they talk to me about Jesus (my "oldest" absolutely adores church), and I feel even more ignorant that, at 32, I never took the time to learn more about Christianity.


Legalistic Logic

That's obviously not Jesus.

Agape Love is Unconditional.

The nature of Perfect Love.

We fail God, God never fails us.

What does it mean when it says He died for us, while we were yet sinners?

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."

patrick jane

I thank you for taking the time to explain it to me. I do mean that.

My daughters are six years old (fraternal twins) and they are being raised in their mother's church (as we agreed on). I feel incredibly ignorant when they talk to me about Jesus (my "oldest" absolutely adores church), and I feel even more ignorant that, at 32, I never took the time to learn more about Christianity.
Read Romans thru Philemon, that's for us and contains the entire grace message; the dispensation that we live in now.