Learning Hebrew



Today is Shlishli (Third) evening and morning night and day, Aviv 25. It is evening. It is night.

Do you learn Hebrew? Have you learned Hebrew? What is the Hebrew that you have learned?




New member

Today is Shlishli (Third) evening and morning night and day, Aviv 25. It is evening. It is night.

Do you learn Hebrew? Have you learned Hebrew? What is the Hebrew that you have learned?



Plenty of good software available to assist the non-Israeli in understanding Hebrew.
And then the spiritual Christian has the assistance of the Holy Spirit in deeper understanding.


Here is a simple or basic Hebrew lesson.

Hebrew is read from right to left.

The first two letters of the Hebrew Alephbet are Aleph and Bet.



The Aleph א is a silent letter. Without a vowel mark it does not say anything.

The Bet ב here without a Dagesh or Dot in it (after Bet comes Vet; a Vet has no Dagesh in it (no Dot)) says B as in Boy. The Vet ב says V as in Vine.

One of the first vowels (there are no Hebrew letters that are vowels) is the kamets. It says a as in yacht.

Aleph with a kamets under it followed by a Vav is, shown here without vowels or shown here or without vowels


which is the Hebrew word for father, ancestor m pronounced Av.




Here's a lesson: you would do well to understand the pictorial paleo-Hebrew (original).
What you are reading has been tampered with with vowel points (niqqud).

Today is Shlishli (Third) Aviv 25. It is Yom, Day.

I don't know why you say that. I have a Hebrew Book / Text, a Siddur, and a Chumash that does have the Torah. The Hebrew letters here came from www.doitinhebrew.com. I do not know why you say vowel points. I did not provide any vowel marks. The Aleph does not have a vowel mark under it. You can read Hebrew without vowels or vowel marks.




Today is Shlishli (Third) Aviv 25. It is Yom, Day.

I do not know what you are asking. Are you asking where you can learn Hebrew? I learned from Brenda Benbow at Congregation T'Shuvat Yisrael. I have a Hebrew Text. I have a Chumash. I have a Siddur. I have an app on my phone with words that I can study. And I have learned some from Tehillim (Psalms). Once you learn you can read Hebrew including from a website or source such as Chabad.org that has an online Tanach. Otherwise, just read the English. It is good to learn Hebrew. However, it is not required to have a good understanding of Scripture or of the Scriptures.


Well-known member
Here's a lesson: you would do well to understand the pictorial paleo-Hebrew (original).
What you are reading has been tampered with with vowel points (niqqud).

No he wouldn't do well to do that. It's a waste of his time. What texts would he read if he learned those letters?

And it is not "tampering". The vowel points were added to Hebrew about 1,000 years ago to express how the words are pronounced, since there can be several possibilities if only consonants are written. . They are not used in Torah scrolls, and rarely used in modern Hebrew novels or newspapers.


New member

Today is Shlishli (Third) evening and morning night and day, Aviv 25. It is evening. It is night.

Do you learn Hebrew? Have you learned Hebrew? What is the Hebrew that you have learned?


I wish I had taken some Hebrew courses in college. My university offered as a minor because the professor took students on archaeological digs. Instead, I opted to major in Spanish

At any rate, your question makes me want to look for a course to take!

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I wish I had taken some Hebrew courses in college. My university offered as a minor because the professor took students on archaeological digs. Instead, I opted to major in Spanish

At any rate, your question makes me want to look for a course to take!

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk


Today is Shlishli (Third) Aviv 25. It is Yom, Day.

May you be blessed to find a course! I took Spanish in High School.



God's Truth

New member

Today is Shlishli (Third) Aviv 25. It is Yom, Day.

I do not know what you are asking. Are you asking where you can learn Hebrew? I learned from Brenda Benbow at Congregation T'Shuvat Yisrael. I have a Hebrew Text. I have a Chumash. I have a Siddur. I have an app on my phone with words that I can study. And I have learned some from Tehillim (Psalms). Once you learn you can read Hebrew including from a website or source such as Chabad.org that has an online Tanach. Otherwise, just read the English. It is good to learn Hebrew. However, it is not required to have a good understanding of Scripture or of the Scriptures.




Where do you find a course or where did I go to High School?

The Hebrew that I have learned from Brenda Benbow did involve Hebrew class on Shabbat at Congregation T'Shuvat Yisrael. We have been in two locations. Both in Tacoma. I have been between NE Tacoma, out of Tacoma, Lakewood, back to Tacoma.

I took Spanish at the High School that I went to in SeaTac, Washington, called Tyee High School.

Was it one of these answers that you were asking for?


New member
No he wouldn't do well to do that. It's a waste of his time. What texts would he read if he learned those letters?
That's because you know nothing of the etymology of the language created by Joseph in Egypt.
It seems that there are a lot of things that you don't know... like how many people left Egypt.

For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. - Psalm 22:16


Well-known member
That's because you know nothing of the etymology of the language created by Joseph in Egypt.
It seems that there are a lot of things that you don't know... like how many people left Egypt.

Tell me, oh wise one: If he learns those pictographs- how could he use that knowledge? What would it enable him to read?


New member
Tell me, oh wise one: If he learns those pictographs- how could he use that knowledge? What would it enable him to read?
"a picture is worth a thousand words"
The language of Joseph speaks on many "levels" and gives insight into the mind of the first Hebrews.
Of course, this takes into account that Joseph was inspired by Ruach Elohim; something the secular Jews will never understand.

Ever heard of Eli Shukron (Hebrew: אלי שוקרון)?


Well-known member
"a picture is worth a thousand words"
The language of Joseph speaks on many "levels" and gives insight into the mind of the first Hebrews.
Of course, this takes into account that Joseph was inspired by Ruach Elohim; something the secular Jews will never understand.

Ever heard of Eli Shukron (Hebrew: אלי שוקרון)?
1. Joseph is not directly connected to that script. I suppose somebody somewhere has made this speculation, but it is impossible to prove.
2. No. you are inventing a mystical meaning to the letters. You aren't the first, but it is pasting medieval concepts on top of an ancient alphabet. It doesn't really stick.
3. I don't know why you bring up "secular Jews", or, for that matter, why they can't understand something.
4. An archaeologist. Therefore- what?


1. Joseph is not directly connected to that script. I suppose somebody somewhere has made this speculation, but it is impossible to prove.
2. No. you are inventing a mystical meaning to the letters. You aren't the first, but it is pasting medieval concepts on top of an ancient alphabet. It doesn't really stick.
3. I don't know why you bring up "secular Jews", or, for that matter, why they can't understand something.
4. An archaeologist. Therefore- what?

Hi chair,

Do you know Dr. Lora, radio personality?

She is a Jew and says many Jews don't follow Tora. I used to listened to her when I was a non-believer.
