Krauthammer: Trump’s Russia Comment "Set A Trap That The Clinton Campaign Fell Right

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Krauthammer: Trump’s Russia Comment "Set A Trap That The Clinton Campaign Fell Right

Krauthammer: Trump’s Russia Comment "Set A Trap That The Clinton Campaign Fell Right Into"

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Charles Krauthammer said that Donald Trump’s call for Russia to help “find” Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails “set a trap that the Clinton campaign fell right into” on Wednesday

Appearing on Fox News’s “Special Report,” host Bret Baier said that the “focus” stemming from Trump’s press conference from earlier in the day was what he said about Russia. The Fox host added that Trump “is right to point out that Hillary Clinton has not had a press conference. She answered seven questions back in December of 2015.”

At a press conference in Florida earlier in the day, Trump called on Russia to “find the 30,000 emails that are missing” from Clinton’s private email server

Commenting on both Trump’s criticism of Clinton’s press availability , as well as his Russia comment, Krauthammer said, “Well, that was his parting shot, and it was a clever thing to plant, because it is an issue. But I do think there was something about his reference to Russia which, whether planned or not, is extremely clever. I’m not the first point out that it set a trap that the Clinton campaign fell right into.”

“In that statement that you showed from the Clinton campaign, it said, you know, you’re inviting a foreign power to invade our national security. Now, these are the e-mails that [Clinton] deleted because they were supposedly private. These there ones that were supposedly not work related. These there ones where she discusses her yoga lessons and wedding planning. So if that’s what really is in the 30,000 deleted e-mails, then there’s no national security to be involved at all.”

“So the Clinton campaign ends up admitting that perhaps there really is work related, if not classified stuff, on the e-mails which she deleted, which I think would be the grounds for a charge of obstruction,” Krauthammer insisted.

Later Krauthammer said, “Whether or not [Trump] made [the Russia comments] seriously or not, could have been sarcastic or sort of half sarcastic as a way to plant the idea. The fact is that it leaves the Clinton campaign in a complete contradiction. If these are just private e-mails, then there is nothing to be concerned about. There’s no espionage. There is no danger to national security. I mean, they will discover her yoga lesson schedule.”



Krauthammer: Trump’s Russia Comment "Set A Trap That The Clinton Campaign Fell Right

Krauthammer has unwittingly brought into question "the Donald's" connection with Vladimir Putin and Russia, given the following points of consideration that Trump harbor's a pro-Putin agenda!
1. Trump's ongoing criticism of NATO and threat not to honor US commitments if Russia were to invade member nations

2. Trump's prior statements in 2014 that he had direct and indirect contacts with Russian President Vladimir Putin (which he now denies)

3. positive statements that Putin has made about Trump

4. changes, initiated by Trump supporters, to the 2016 Republican Platform that weakened US support of Ukraine against Russian intrusions into Crimea and its eastern border (this is a complete reversal of the GOP's traditional hardline stand against Russia)

5. the hacking and release of DNC emails designed to undermine the Democratic Convention, benefit the Trump Campaign and influence the presidential election are widely thought to be connected with Russia

6. Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort, has close ties with the pro-Putin Ukrainian "Party of Regions," its successor the "Opposition Bloc" and former Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych who fled to Russia in 2014


No he hasn't because there is no connection you imbecile.
"Irrespective of who's behind that initiative and of what the motives are, ultimately the (Republican) platform is different from what a number of leading Republicans had called for in Congress - military aid for Ukraine, in the form of lethal weapons."
- Steven Pifer, a former US ambassador to Ukraine and now a Senior Fellow at the Washington-based Brookings Institute

"If he (Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign manager) becomes president, Trump will seek more cordial relations to Russia and reduce US support for Ukraine."
- Steven Pifer, a former US ambassador to Ukraine and now a Senior Fellow at the Washington-based Brookings Institute

The changes in the Republican Platform combined with the timing/release of those DNC emails, one day before the Democratic Convention, was designed to influence the US presidential election in favor of one, and only one, candidate - DONALD TRUMP. Given that there is a general consensus that the hackers were operating from Russia, only a true "IMBECILE" would not question the possibility of a Trump-Putin connection!


New member
Except that the 30,000 emails were not the only emails on the server. If Russia got into a server that contained them, they'd probably have access to a lot more. And aside from that, even if all that were compromised for any high-ranking official, especially one with access to classified materials, were her personal documents, that would be a serious national security problem. Remember when John Brennan's email account was hacked? That was his personal account, with presumably only personal information on it, and it was a serious problem.





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DONALD TRUMP'S MEDICAL DEFERMENT: the document that doesn't exist!



“I actually got lucky because I had a very high draft number. I’ll never forget, that was an amazing period of time in my life.”
- Donald Trump

He went on to recall, “I was going to the Wharton School of Finance, and I was watching as they did the draft numbers and I got a very, very high number and those numbers never got up to.” The word “deferment” was not mentioned by Trump during his chat with the morning show hosts on WNYW, the Fox affiliate in New York City.

However, Selective Service records reveal that Trump, the fortunate son of a multimillionaire real estate baron, took repeated steps to avoid serving in Vietnam.

By the time his number (356) was drawn during the December 1, 1969 draft lottery, Trump had already received four student deferments and a medical deferment, according to military records on file with the National Archives and Records Administration. An extract of Trump’s Selective Classification record, seen here, was provided in response to a TSG records request.

In fact, the December 1969 draft lottery occurred about 18 months after Trump graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, where he studied business at the Wharton School. So, while claiming that he would “never forget” being at Wharton watching the draft numbers being drawn, the 64-year-old Trump seems to have misremembered, as candidates are fond of saying.
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Donald Trump dodged Vietnam War through medical deferment, not high draft number as he claimed
April 29, 2011

Selective service records Donald Trump didn't want anyone to see show he dodged the Vietnam War due to a medical deferment, not a high draft number as he has claimed.

The records indicate Trump was granted a series of student deferments before graduating from college, and then was deemed physically unacceptable for a military service after he graduated.

The paperwork, obtained from the National Archives and Records Administration by website, contradict what Trump has publicly said in recent days.

"I actually got lucky because I had a very high draft number. I'll never forget, that was an amazing period of time in my life," the reality TV star and billionaire real estate developer said in a TV interview on Tuesday.

"I was going to the Wharton School of Finance, and I was watching as they did the draft numbers and I got a very, very high number and those numbers never got up to," said The Donald, neglecting to utter the word "deferment."

Despite the fact that "the Donald's" attended secondary education at New York Military Academy at Cornwall-on-Hudson where he played varsity football, soccer and baseball, his records from the National Archives and Records Administration show that after graduating from university (4 deferments), Trump evaded military duty during the draft through medical deferments.

This revelation "debunked" Trump's cover story that it was his high draft number that was the explanation as to why he was never drafted!

Trump supporters had better get ready to spend the next 3 months trying to explain these discrepancies!
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It's funny to to see the Democrats, who routinely use every dirty trick and tactic they can muster whine about such allegations.


Yeah, we can always depend on an ex-Christian feminist, an anti-theist liberal, and Malcolm X over here to make an objective and meaningful case :chuckle:

patrick jane

Krauthammer: Trump’s Russia Comment "Set A Trap That The Clinton Campaign Fell Right

Krauthammer has unwittingly brought into question "the Donald's" connection with Vladimir Putin and Russia, given the following points of consideration that Trump harbor's a pro-Putin agenda!
1. Trump's ongoing criticism of NATO and threat not to honor US commitments if Russia were to invade member nations

2. Trump's prior statements in 2014 that he had direct and indirect contacts with Russian President Vladimir Putin (which he now denies)

3. positive statements that Putin has made about Trump

4. changes, initiated by Trump supporters, to the 2016 Republican Platform that weakened US support of Ukraine against Russian intrusions into Crimea and its eastern border (this is a complete reversal of the GOP's traditional hardline stand against Russia)

5. the hacking and release of DNC emails designed to undermine the Democratic Convention, benefit the Trump Campaign and influence the presidential election are widely thought to be connected with Russia

6. Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort, has close ties with the pro-Putin Ukrainian "Party of Regions," its successor the "Opposition Bloc" and former Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych who fled to Russia in 2014
Who cares ? You posted drivel

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Hillary’s Hotline to Moscow

As Democrats try to link Trump to Putin, new Clinton connections to Kremlin emerge
by Kathryn Blackhurst | Updated 01 Aug 2016 at 12:39 PM

Just as the Democrats closed out their convention week by painting Donald Trump as firmly intertwined with Russian President Vladimir Putin, new details emerged exposing Hillary Clinton’s actual cozy Russian relationship.

During her tenure as secretary of state, Clinton was charged with helping to oversee a major “reset” of relations with Russia, primarily by exchanging technological information.

The highly trumpeted shift in policy was manifest in the creation of the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission in 2009 that made Clinton the chief American representative, alongside Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The commission’s mission was to identify “areas of cooperation and [pursue] joint projects” between Silicon Valley and its Russian counterpart in Skolkovo.

“Soon, dozens of U.S. tech firms, including top Clinton Foundation donors like Google, Intel, and Cisco, made major financial contributions to Skolkovo, with Cisco committing a cool $1 billion,” Peter Schweizer, the author of “Clinton Cash,” wrote in The Wall Street Journal on Sunday. “By 2012 the vice president of the Skolkovo Foundation, Conor Lenihan — who had previously partnered with the Clinton Foundation — recorded that Skolkovo had assembled 28 Russian, American, and European ‘Key Partners.’ Of the 28 ‘partners,’ 17, or 60 percent, have made financial commitments to the Clinton Foundation, totaling tens of millions of dollars, or sponsored speeches by Bill Clinton.”

But it wasn’t only U.S. firms who benefited from the official policy that contributed to the Clinton Foundation.

Russians involved in the Skolkovo thaw also sent in whopping donations to the Clinton catch-all depository for wealth and influence.

Security experts raised alarms that the transfer jeopardized national security in favor of temporary global financial interests.

Research from the U.S. Army Foreign Military Studies Program at For Leavenworth stated Skolkovo is a "vehicle for worldwide technology transfer to Russia in the areas of information technology, biomedicine, energy, satellite and space technology, and nuclear technology."

"The FBI believes the true motives of the Russian partners, who are often funded by their government, is to gain access to classified, sensitive, and emerging technology from the companies," Lucia Ziobro, an assistant special agent at the FBI's Boston office, wrote in an op-ed in 2014. "The [Skolkovo] foundation may be a means for the Russian government to access our nation's sensitive or classified research development facilities and dual-use technologies with military and commercial application."

The takeaway is Clinton intentionally opened up access to U.S. technology and secrets to Russian actors and made herself the fulcrum of the transaction — while American-based global corporations and the Russians contributed to her family's foundation. Yet the media has allowed her allies to link unknown hackers, possibly of Russian nationality, to some myth that Donald Trump is Putin's pick for president.

Of course the self-preserving spin isn't surprising from the Democrats since so much damning material was contained in the over 19,000 emails leaked from the Democratic National Committee.

"We know that Russian intelligence services, which is part of the Russian government which is under the firm control of Vladimir Putin, hacked into the DNC. And we know that he arranged for a lot of those emails to be released," Clinton told "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace over the weekend, adding that "we know that Donald Trump has shown a very troubling willingness to back up Putin, to support Putin."

When Wallace pressed Clinton over whether or not she thought Putin and the Russians theoretically acted on behalf of Trump's presidential campaign, the former secretary of state balked a bit – but only a tiny bit.

"Well, I'm not going to jump to that conclusion, but I think laying out the facts raises issues about Russian interference in our elections, in our democracy," Clinton responded. "And for Trump to both encourage that and to praise Putin despite what appears to be a deliberate effort to try to affect the election I think raises national security issues."