Kett's SPOTD 11- 11 -11

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I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
Do I support mean embryonic stem cell research?

Talk of embryonic stem cell research is yet another abortion battle in a thinly veiled disguise. Someone once said, "If you only raise the temperature of my bath water one degree every hour, how will I know when to scream?"

The same is true of those who support the untimely death of human embryos. They have difficulty persuading right-minded folks to accept their arguments for a woman's right versus the murder of an innocent child, and so they are forced to attack from different and (seemingly) clever angles.

Simply put, in order to harvest embryonic stem cells, an embryo must be destroyed in the process.

The question then becomes: How do we, as a civilized and (I hope) God-fearing society with moral fortitude view human embryos.

Human existence begins at conception. Period. You can twist and turn, put up mirrors and smoke screens, and drink copious quantities of alcohol...anything to set your mind at ease and justify your thinking anything different, but the fact remains, HUMAN EXISTENCE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION.

At the very instance of conception, the human embryo is one hundred percent human, complete with all forty-six human chromosomes and a fully functioning, very unique genetic code. The embryo's size and location (inside a uterus or in a petri dish) have no bearing on the determination of humanity.

Because research on embryonic stem cells requires the destruction of a living human being, it is against God’s will. It is an affront to our very sensibilities.

In my opinon, no amount of promised benefit to society as a whole or to the pursuit of medical and pharmacological knowledge can justify the killing of a human for its parts.

The end, most certainly, does not justify the means. It is never ethical. It is morally reprehensible. No child deserves this.

Stepping up to the plate and hitting a grand slam after coming off an extended break. Welcome back VC. Way to go!
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