Kerry's Bad, therefore... Non Sequitir

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Kerry's Bad, therefore... Non Sequitir

Friday October 8th, 2004. This is show #202.


Every time I say something against liberals in the past few weeks or against John Kerry specifically or against the Dumbocrats, somebody asks me, they say, "Bob, so now you're voting for George Bush?" And I get a little confused about that. That's a non sequitir. . . . I will vote for George W. Bush if he pledges to never again nominate a judge who will keep legal the killing of innocent children. I would not vote for someone who's judicial nominees would kill one of my own children nor one of my neighbor's children because God wants me to love my neighbor as myself.

So if anyone says, "I'm going to nominate judges and some of my judicial nominees will want to keep legal the killing of unborn children" then I'd say, "No. I will not support you then."

Now, I realize a lot of conservatives, a lot of Republicans, Christians, Pro-Lifers have a hard time thinking clearly on this issue because we want to be King-makers. We sort of have a lust to have "our guy" in power. But abortion is not like the collateral damage of a just war where innocent children get killed, sadly. Abortion is intentional. Abortion is the same thing as killing blacks or Jews. And if a politician said to you that he is against killing Jews except for a few hundred a year then you should oppose him. If a politician said to you that he was against racism except for lynching a few hundred blacks, I would not vote for him even if he was running against the KKK Grand Wizard.

Think about it. The Republican party would never, and rightly so, they would never nominate someone for president who openly tolerated some racism. Yet killing a few unborn children every day? Well, that has become tolerable. And that's where the Republican party wants Christians to compromise - on just that one . . . principle. The one that says, "Thou shall not murder." "We need you to compromise on that one because we need political power. And if we get more political power then we will do good. So do evil that good may come of it."

Frank Ernest

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'Think about it. The Republican party would never, and rightly so, they would never nominate someone for president who openly tolerated some racism. Yet killing a few unborn children every day? Well, that has become tolerable. And that's where the Republican party wants Christians to compromise - on just that one . . . principle. The one that says, "Thou shall not murder." "We need you to compromise on that one because we need political power. And if we get more political power then we will do good. So do evil that good may come of it." '

Murdering the unborn has become tolerable because the people have tolerated and continue to tolerate it, not as a consequence of who's president. Roe v Wade was not decided by Nixon in 1973, it was ruled by the Supreme Court complete with purjured testimony and a highly imaginative perversion of the Constitution.

The Democrat Party is definitely on the side of the abortionists - no compromise there. You are saying that the Republicans want to sanction "evil in order to do good." I haven't seen that as a Republican Party principle. I figure that there are some who claim to be Republican who also think abortion is good. They are known as RINOs (Republican In Name Only).

Realizing that no matter who I vote for, abortion will still be there until the people of this nation refuse to condone it. Even then, it will be the Supreme Court which must reverse Roe v Wade, not the president. And so, I will vote for the person who has the best chance of starting a process to get rid of it.


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Re: Kerry's Bad, therefore... Non Sequitir

If you keep voting for republicans they'll constantly shift to the left. Why? Because they'll know for sure they have your votes and they will fight for leftists' votes. That is why they are continously more and more leftist... Unless you say: 'non possumus' (Latin: we shall not let you) they'll disregard you. They must know if they go to far, they'll lose your support.

Things are even getting worse: because they fight for leftists' votes, democrats shift more to the left, whereupon republicans have to be more leftist again, and we get bid: who is more pro-socialism... The only way you can break the suicidal chain is to stop voting for republicans. The sooner the better.


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Re: Re: Kerry's Bad, therefore... Non Sequitir

Re: Re: Kerry's Bad, therefore... Non Sequitir

Originally posted by Morphy

If you keep voting for republicans they'll constantly shift to the left. Why? Because they'll know for sure they have your votes and they will fight for leftists' votes. That is why they are continously more and more leftist... Unless you say: 'non possumus' (Latin: we shall not let you) they'll disregard you. They must know if they go to far, they'll lose your support.

Things are even getting worse: because they fight for leftists' votes, democrats shift more to the left, whereupon republicans have to be more leftist again, and we get bid: who is more pro-socialism... The only way you can break the suicidal chain is to stop voting for republicans. The sooner the better.
Good job Morphy. How does someone from Poland have it figured out when Republican Christians here in America keep getting suckered year after year?
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