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Many of you use the word "JW" as the most derogatory word.

I learned how to read the Bible and they taught me to be confident in my understanding of God and Jesus.

I don't agree with all their practice and beliefs.

But I use their basic skill to read the Bible rightly divided.

They practice what they believe.

They say God is love; and they interpret everything according to this principle.

It does not bother me people finger point at me bashing I am JW even though I am not JW.

I am forever grateful for their basic skills they taught me.

BTW, they esteem Paul's teachings greatly like most of you which I don't.

they follow Paul's instructions to operate their organization.

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New member
That is great Meshak that they taught you to read the Bible 'rightly divided. But, part of the problem with JW's is that they have wrongly divided God's Word. They have essentially created their own paraphrase of the Bible meant to fit their own doctrine. IOW, rather than shape their doctrine according to God's word, they have changed what God says to fit their own doctrine.


That is great Meshak that they taught you to read the Bible 'rightly divided. But, part of the problem with JW's is that they have wrongly divided God's Word. They have essentially created their own paraphrase of the Bible meant to fit their own doctrine. IOW, rather than shape their doctrine according to God's word, they have changed what God says to fit their own doctrine.

I don't follow their understanding of prophesy.

My point of this thread is "God is love" is the core teaching of Bible.

That's the whole context of the Bible.


Well-known member
Many of you use the word "JW" as the most derogatory word.

I learned how to read the Bible and they taught me to be so confident in my understanding of God and Jesus.

I don't agree with all their practice and beliefs.

But I use their basic skill to read the Bible rightly divided.

They practice what they believe.

They say God is love; and they interpret everything according to this principle.

It does not bother me people finger point at me bashing I am JW even though I am not JW.

I am forever grateful for their basic skills they taught me.


This explains a lot meshak.


Well-known member
I haven't count but I know Jesus' teachings are based on God and His love.

That's the core message and whole context of the Bible.

Jesus spoke about love on only 6 occasions which represents less than 1% of Jesus ministerial teachings, although Jesus is widely recognised as a very loving person, it wasn’t the main subject he tried to teach everyone. Love wasn’t the only reason He came to Earth. If it was, then Jesus would have instead taught us more about love but clearly He had more important things to tell us in the time he was with us. So what was Jesus trying to teach us?

Jesus talked about Heaven and Hell quite a bit. The word Heaven is spoken by Jesus 123 times, and Hell 27 times. Clearly, Jesus wanted us to know that these two places are real, and we’ll all end up in one or the other after this life.

That said, around nearly a fifth of everything Jesus said related to money and possessions. He spoke even more about this subject than Heaven and Hell combined. This was because Jesus understood how money itself can become a god. Money was just as important then as it is now, and He knew that the world would end up turning to money more and more as the basis for its way of life.

However, above all and by a big margin Jesus taught more about His coming Kingdom and His return than any other subject. Over half of everything Jesus is recorded as saying related to this coming event. The phrase, Kingdom of God, appears fifty-three times in the New Testament Gospels, and Kingdom of Heaven appears thirty-two times in the Gospel of Matthew alone. Jesus also made a specific point about this coming Kingdom at the very beginning of his ministry:

Mark 1:14-15
14 Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the Good News of God, and saying, 15 “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the Good News”.


Jesus spoke about love on only 6 occasions which represents less than 1% of Jesus ministerial teachings,

So you don't believe Jesus and God are love?

You can bring up excuses to discount God and Jesus are love all you want.

You are entitled to your opinions.

good day.


Well-known member
So you don't believe Jesus and God are love?

You can bring up excuses to discount God and Jesus are love all you want.

You are entitled to your opinions.

good day.

You are putting words in my mouth and I have seen you do that with others. This is a common problem with people who are self deluded. By ignoring the scriptures you make yourself a hypocrite but that is your prerogative and no one but you can get yourself out of that hole.

Take care.


You are putting words in my mouth

You are trying to discredit my faith obviously.

My point of this thread is "God and Jesus are love" is the whole context of the Bible.

If you don't believe it, I cannot help you.

My OP stands. You can try to discredit my point all you want by calling me a hypocrit.

You are entitled to your opinions.


BTW, watchman,

You are in everywhere. You don't seem to have contextual understanding of what God and Jesus are all about.

It is called scatter brain.


Well-known member
You are trying to discredit my faith obviously.

My point of this thread is "God and Jesus are love" is the whole context of the Bible.

If you don't believe it, I cannot help you.

My OP stands. You can try to discredit my point all you want by calling me a hypocrit.

You are entitled to your opinions.

Again you are making up you reality and then believing that. You can't understand what I have written. May be you have poor comprehension?


Well-known member
BTW, watchman,

You are in everywhere. You don't seem to have contextual understanding of what God and Jesus are all about.

It is called scatter brain.

Yes I like debating the Word. Calling me more names just shows that you find it difficult to debate with taking it as a personal attack.


If you don't know the whole context of the Bible, your interpretation will be so inconsistent.
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