Just war theory


I see that the religion forum here includes philosophy. When is a war just? What is the relationship or involvement of religion or God in just war? Is it a matter of governments and militaries? What is the role of a judge in rendering a death penalty? Should war be to create peace and or what is the danger of that? What about the secular world which seems to want peace? What if Christians do not go to war?


Well-known member
Robert Emmet Meagher, Killing from the Inside Out: Moral Injury and Just War (Cascade Books, 2014)

“Every war is just, from the perspective of those waging it, and every killer is a hero, to the side they are on.” Just war “was never more than a theory, and at its worst it was a lie, a deadly lie. It promised, at least, the possibility of war without sin, war without criminality, war without guilt or shame, the war in which men would risk their lives but not their souls.”


Robert Emmet Meagher, Killing from the Inside Out: Moral Injury and Just War (Cascade Books, 2014)

“Every war is just, from the perspective of those waging it, and every killer is a hero, to the side they are on.” Just war “was never more than a theory, and at its worst it was a lie, a deadly lie. It promised, at least, the possibility of war without sin, war without criminality, war without guilt or shame, the war in which men would risk their lives but not their souls.”
Do you believe as I do that one day there will be no war? Then what if we can say this for every individual beginning with one's self? Else the war must be just. I think if there has been murder across a boundary or border. Otherwise we have the laws of the state or the land, punishable by death in judgment, beginning with love your neighbor as your self. If no one is not your neighbor then do you or should you have any enemies? A war would be between nations over a matter, or to intervene. A battle might be smaller but it is the same Hebrew word. Meelchamah. War, battle. Even spiritual or in the clouds.


New member
I see that the religion forum here includes philosophy. When is a war just? What is the relationship or involvement of religion or God in just war? Is it a matter of governments and militaries? What is the role of a judge in rendering a death penalty? Should war be to create peace and or what is the danger of that? What about the secular world which seems to want peace? What if Christians do not go to war?
You are asking more questions than the title states.
Government's often go to war. God tells us he created government's to carry the sword of justice.
Should Christians participate in the wars of nation's?
My answer is no. We are exiles in this world. Our Kingdom is in heaven. We ought to take the Sermon on the Mount seriously and refrain from all violent response to those who persecute us.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Do you believe as I do that one day there will be no war? Then what if we can say this for every individual beginning with one's self? Else the war must be just. I think if there has been murder across a boundary or border. Otherwise we have the laws of the state or the land, punishable by death in judgment, beginning with love your neighbor as your self. If no one is not your neighbor then do you or should you have any enemies? A war would be between nations over a matter, or to intervene. A battle might be smaller but it is the same Hebrew word. Meelchamah. War, battle. Even spiritual or in the clouds.
'Si vis pacem, para bellum.' When we all stop sticking our heads in the sand, and prepare ourselves for war, then, there will be peace.


You are asking more questions than the title states.
Government's often go to war. God tells us he created government's to carry the sword of justice.
Should Christians participate in the wars of nation's?
My answer is no. We are exiles in this world. Our Kingdom is in heaven. We ought to take the Sermon on the Mount seriously and refrain from all violent response to those who persecute us.

Should Christians be in government or on juries, etc...? Do Christians, or Jews, bring about justice in this world? Or, are you just saying no to war? Is it because war is complicated? Is it difficult for you to understand?

I am for the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus instructed there to keep and teach the commandments.

I do not have to be for war.


'Si vis pacem, para bellum.' When we all stop sticking our heads in the sand, and prepare ourselves for war, then, there will be peace.
Is it in preparation that sanctification takes place? Because maybe then there is no need for war.

What does it mean to you?


New member
Should Christians be in government or on juries, etc...? Do Christians, or Jews, bring about justice in this world? Or, are you just saying no to war? Is it because war is complicated? Is it difficult for you to understand?

I am for the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus instructed there to keep and teach the commandments.

I do not have to be for war.
There are examples of God's elect in government. There are examples of God's elect carrying the sword. These are all before Christ.
Jesus told his followers to put down the physical sword and let the Word of God cut the heart.
Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek and follow him to the cross.
Let men from other kingdoms fight their battles over scarce resources. Let Christians entrust their needs to their Father and see Him supply.


There are examples of God's elect in government. There are examples of God's elect carrying the sword. These are all before Christ.
Jesus told his followers to put down the physical sword and let the Word of God cut the heart.
Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek and follow him to the cross.
Let men from other kingdoms fight their battles over scarce resources. Let Christians entrust their needs to their Father and see Him supply.

Are you a pacifist or against violence (are you for God's Law?)? I understand that I am to take up my cross daily, and turn the other cheek. What is the follow Him to the cross reference? You said put down the physical sword which I wonder about but would approving of this oppress you depending on my motivation? I am for the Word of God and being cut to the heart though is that conviction perhaps by the Holy Spirit? Is the Spirit of God the Word?


New member
Are you a pacifist or against violence (are you for God's Law?)? I understand that I am to take up my cross daily, and turn the other cheek. What is the follow Him to the cross reference? You said put down the physical sword which I wonder about but would approving of this oppress you depending on my motivation? I am for the Word of God and being cut to the heart though is that conviction perhaps by the Holy Spirit? Is the Spirit of God the Word?
Yes. I was raised Mennonite Brethren.
I was referring to Jesus telling us to pick up our cross and follow him. Jesus refused violence and mentors us to do the same.


Yes. I was raised Mennonite Brethren.
I was referring to Jesus telling us to pick up our cross and follow him. Jesus refused violence and mentors us to do the same.
I grew up Plymouth Brethren. A cessationist in regard to spiritual gifts, the sign gifts actually, and a pacifist. I have supported God's Law as a Christian and as a Jew. I understand being against violence. But can I be for justice? Because in thinking about violence we might not be for justice. Being for justice would anyone ever have to die for what they have done? Or, are all forgiven? Because, if all are forgiven do we still die for our sin? I have heard that the punishment should fit the crime. We have the Torah to know what God's Law is. Can a judge be an expert in mercy according to the law? Is there violence in justice when a murderer is killed? No killing murderers in accordance with or according to the law (study the entire Torah here)? No need to get out of sorts and crazy and kill someone. That would be against God's Law. Of course it is never okay to kill anyone who is innocent. But a person might think someone is not innocent so we have to be careful here. There must be a judge. Torah law. And then if in Jesus murderers are not brought to justice, though they never escape God's Judgment. Leaving the nations to fight it out is not it. Maybe we can create and pray for peace.


New member
I grew up Plymouth Brethren. A cessationist in regard to spiritual gifts, the sign gifts actually, and a pacifist. I have supported God's Law as a Christian and as a Jew. I understand being against violence. But can I be for justice? Because in thinking about violence we might not be for justice. Being for justice would anyone ever have to die for what they have done? Or, are all forgiven? Because, if all are forgiven do we still die for our sin? I have heard that the punishment should fit the crime. We have the Torah to know what God's Law is. Can a judge be an expert in mercy according to the law? Is there violence in justice when a murderer is killed? No killing murderers in accordance with or according to the law (study the entire Torah here)? No need to get out of sorts and crazy and kill someone. That would be against God's Law. Of course it is never okay to kill anyone who is innocent. But a person might think someone is not innocent so we have to be careful here. There must be a judge. Torah law. And then if in Jesus murderers are not brought to justice, though they never escape God's Judgment. Leaving the nations to fight it out is not it. Maybe we can create and pray for peace.
Who is innocent when they stand before the Holy God and Sovereign King?


is it just to war against ISIS?
I do not know if you are strictly speaking of this thread. To be honest I do not know who ISIS is. I have no war with ISIS. Also, the letters ISIS can mean different things I understand. Also, I have no war with anyone. Just war theory is often employed or people seek to understand it in the many situations that they find themselves in. That is, the question is either what is a just war or what makes a war just.
