Jury Wants Peterson Executed & Forgive Not
Monday December 13th, 2004. This is show #248.
Monday December 13th, 2004. This is show #248.
If the system was not broken then every convicted murderer would automatically be sentenced to death and then we wouldn't have over 10,000 murders every year and people becoming murderers and Laci and Conner would be alive today, most likely.
Do you know the real reason we can't display the 10 commandments in a courthouse? It has nothing to do with the separation of church and state. You can't post prohibitions against stealing, adultery and lying in a building full of politicians, judges and lawyers. It creates a hostile work environment.
Forgiveness is not and never has been automatic. Forgiveness requires repentance. Otherwise it's meaningless. And to suggest otherwise will reinforce a damning notion. Millions of Americans who reject the gospel believe instead that, as a God of love, the Lord forgives everyone. . . . Where do they get such a damnable notion like that from? They get it from Christians everywhere . . . who reinforce the dispicable notion that you should forgive everyone automatically.
Here's the email that I sent to CBS: "Dear CBS, Why have you not publicly reprimanded Andy Rooney for his antichristian bigotry? By the way, we Christians don't all forgive those who sin against us without requiring repentance. Jesus said in Luke 17:3 that if someone sins against you, "rebuke him and IF he repents forgive him." And if Rooney ever does issue an apology, suggest to him that it not be a back-handed insult as in "If anyone was offended I'm sorry." Repentance is supposed to be for your own actions, not for the reactions of others. Sincerely, pastor Bob Enyart (Denver Bible Church)
In Noah's day God brought the flood, not forgiveness, to all mankind. Abraham, Moses, David and the prophets, they didn't forgive but they rebuked those who wronged them. John the baptist did not forgive but rebuked those in the wrong. Jesus rebuked and did not forgive the pharisees, scribes and lawyers. Paul did not forgive Alexander the coppersmith. And the two witnesses in the apocalypse, they don't forgive those attacking them. Yes, God calls on us to love our enemy. But when you distort the truth and suggest that repentance is unneccessary because forgiveness comes automatically, then you're not loving your enemy. You're condemning him.