Judge Roy Moore is a Hero...again

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Judge Roy Moore is a Hero...again

This is the show from Thursday August 9th, 2007.


* Judge Roy Moore: now acknowledges the wickedness of the PBA ruling, Gonzales v. Carhart.

Today's Resource: New Release: An excerpted version of the two-hour Forty Years in the Wilderness DVD, now called Focus on the Strategy II, is the 50-minute sequel to Bob Enyart's blockbuster analysis of the immoral and failed strategy of National Right to Life. Focus on the Strategy II is just the right length to watch in a Sunday School class, or with friends at a video party at home (yours or theirs)! To order FotS II please call 800-8Enyart, one DVD is $15, three for $20, and 20 copies for only $100!
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