Judge Roy Moore Condemns PBA Ruling on BEL
This is the show from August 16th, 2007.
* Atrocious: The heroic former chief justice of the Alabama State Supreme Court today reversed his previous opinion on the recent partial-birth abortion ruling! Acknowledging that he had previously accepted the praise of the ruling from others, Judge Roy Moore now urges Christians to read the Gonzales v. Carhart ruling for themselves, and he called it "atrocious!" Judge Moore also said, "We have put the rule of man above the rule of law," and agreed with Bob Enyart that no judge should uphold or follow a precedent that authorizes the intentional killing of an innocent child. This of course contrasts with Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family who defends Judge Samuel Alito who ruled to keep legal partial-birth abortion in New Jersey.
* Post-show Note: "Colorado Right to Life welcomes Judge Roy Moore's condemnation of the Gonzales v. Carhart partial-birth abortion ruling," said CRTL vice president Leslie Hanks. "His agreement adds another great leader's name to the list of those who condemn this wicked child-killing ruling."
* Leaders Condemning this Evil Ruling:
Ambassador Alan Keyes, RenewAmerica
Rev. Tom Euteneuer, Human Life International
Judie Brown, American Life League
John Archibold, founding member, AUL and Nat'l RTL
Erik Whittington, Rock for Life
Jim Rudd, Covenant News
John Lofton, The American View
Eric Guttormson, TheologyOnline.com
Brian Martin, TheologyWeb.com
Jim Anderson, LifeCommercials.com
Cal Zastrow, Michigan Citizens for Life
Matt Trewhella, Missionaries to the Preborn
Brannon Howse, WorldviewTube, Christian Worldview Net
Steve Curtis, Former State Chair, Colorado Republican Party
Ken and Jo Scott, ProLife Colorado
Gino Geraci, Calvary Chapel South Denver
Bob Enyart, Denver Bible Church
Chuck Baldwin, Crossroad Baptist Church
Dr. Patrick Johnston, ProLifePhysicians.org
Prof. Charles Rice, Notre Dame Law School
Brian Rohrbough, Colorado Right to Life
Flip Benham, Operation Rescue / OSA
Judge Roy Moore, Foundation for Moral Law
* Groups Still Celebrating this Evil Ruling:
National Right to Life Committee
Americans United for Life
Christian Law Association
Family Research Council
National Pro-Life Action Center
Christian Coalition
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
Wendy Wright & Concerned Women for America
Fr. Frank Pavone & Priests for Life
Jay Sekulow & American Center for Law and Justice
Dr. James Dobson & Focus on the Family
Today's Resource: NEW SERVICE: Now, you can download our Plot Bible Study albums! You can purchase these as MP3 files, download them, and begin listening right away! If you've never listened to Pastor Bob Enyart's seminar giving an overview of the whole Bible, you owe it to yourself to download and listen to The Plot study right now! Also, The Tree is available for immediate downloading, to listen to Bob's best-selling and startling seminar on living the Christian life!
This is the show from August 16th, 2007.
* Atrocious: The heroic former chief justice of the Alabama State Supreme Court today reversed his previous opinion on the recent partial-birth abortion ruling! Acknowledging that he had previously accepted the praise of the ruling from others, Judge Roy Moore now urges Christians to read the Gonzales v. Carhart ruling for themselves, and he called it "atrocious!" Judge Moore also said, "We have put the rule of man above the rule of law," and agreed with Bob Enyart that no judge should uphold or follow a precedent that authorizes the intentional killing of an innocent child. This of course contrasts with Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family who defends Judge Samuel Alito who ruled to keep legal partial-birth abortion in New Jersey.
* Post-show Note: "Colorado Right to Life welcomes Judge Roy Moore's condemnation of the Gonzales v. Carhart partial-birth abortion ruling," said CRTL vice president Leslie Hanks. "His agreement adds another great leader's name to the list of those who condemn this wicked child-killing ruling."
* Leaders Condemning this Evil Ruling:
Ambassador Alan Keyes, RenewAmerica
Rev. Tom Euteneuer, Human Life International
Judie Brown, American Life League
John Archibold, founding member, AUL and Nat'l RTL
Erik Whittington, Rock for Life
Jim Rudd, Covenant News
John Lofton, The American View
Eric Guttormson, TheologyOnline.com
Brian Martin, TheologyWeb.com
Jim Anderson, LifeCommercials.com
Cal Zastrow, Michigan Citizens for Life
Matt Trewhella, Missionaries to the Preborn
Brannon Howse, WorldviewTube, Christian Worldview Net
Steve Curtis, Former State Chair, Colorado Republican Party
Ken and Jo Scott, ProLife Colorado
Gino Geraci, Calvary Chapel South Denver
Bob Enyart, Denver Bible Church
Chuck Baldwin, Crossroad Baptist Church
Dr. Patrick Johnston, ProLifePhysicians.org
Prof. Charles Rice, Notre Dame Law School
Brian Rohrbough, Colorado Right to Life
Flip Benham, Operation Rescue / OSA
Judge Roy Moore, Foundation for Moral Law
* Groups Still Celebrating this Evil Ruling:
National Right to Life Committee
Americans United for Life
Christian Law Association
Family Research Council
National Pro-Life Action Center
Christian Coalition
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
Wendy Wright & Concerned Women for America
Fr. Frank Pavone & Priests for Life
Jay Sekulow & American Center for Law and Justice
Dr. James Dobson & Focus on the Family
Today's Resource: NEW SERVICE: Now, you can download our Plot Bible Study albums! You can purchase these as MP3 files, download them, and begin listening right away! If you've never listened to Pastor Bob Enyart's seminar giving an overview of the whole Bible, you owe it to yourself to download and listen to The Plot study right now! Also, The Tree is available for immediate downloading, to listen to Bob's best-selling and startling seminar on living the Christian life!