JPPT1974's Weekend Thoughts 9/10-9/12/2021


Well-known member
As that we need to be
Over in the worried about
For those who do
Not think that the shot
Matters but they are
In matter of fact
Nothing at all in the
Further from the truth there
As a third booster shot there


Well-known member
For that the
Lord does not
Want to see His
Children and in the
Going to being the
Not in the being sick
God is the Great Healer
And in that over in the
Great Physician on it.


Well-known member
It is not a hoax
Nor is it that
Over in the being
For in the vaccines that
Can really save your life
As that over on those
That have had it despite being
Fully vaccinated did not have
To be on that over in the
Hospitalized but that there is
A difference over with those
Vaccinated and not.