JPPT1974's Weekend Thoughts 6/5-6/7/09:


Well-known member
Sacrifices come in small
And little things. And that despite
Cutting back on our budget
And not putting stuff out like
Devotions and all of that.
Really even though the sacrifices
Can be tough. They are necessary
To keep our church going.


Well-known member
Sacrifices come in big and small things. And that sometimes
You have to make them.
In order to please people.
Not just one over the other.
But please as a team.
Since this is a team effort.
Keep that in mind.
Not a one person show.
Or please one group, not please the other.


Well-known member
I will be gone June 6th-13th. For a NYC trip.
But will return on the 14th.
So I am trying to make up for it
By posting this week and next week's blogs.
Sorry for any inconveince this may cause.